

Craig Norris

Who are you?
What're you, a cop? My name is Craig Norris.
But I'd prefer to be called by the name that my posse gave me: "Garry".

Where did you grow up?
In the only head shop in Bountiful, BC. We weren't that busy.

Where do you live now?
In George Stroumboulopoulos' pimped-out Windstar.

What do you do at CBC Radio 3?
I'm Grant Lawrence's valet.

How did you get into radio?
I needed to get into a career where you don't have to be bondable.

What is your field of expertise?
If I'm not mistaken, I'm the only Canadian sculptor that works solely in the medium of head cheese. I'm also a semi-pro jai alai referee.

Do you make music yourself?
If by "music" you mean popsicle stick dreamcatchers, then yes, I do. Oh yeah…and I'm also in this band called the Kramdens.

What was the first album you bought with your own hard earned money?
I could never afford it. I'm still waiting for my Bre-X stocks to bounce back.

What was the first concert you attended?
The Irish Rovers. I was 8. Then I spent the next 22 years following them on the road. I stopped only after my grandma was actually run over by a reindeer. That messed me up, big time. It's all in my book, "A Roverin' I Will Go".

What is your most shameful/glorious musical moment?
They're one and the same. I once unwittingly bought tickets to "Laser Hayden" at the Planetarium. Turns out they weren't real. There was no "Laser Hayden". Just "Laser Kalen Porter". So it really was a win-win situation.

Is there any particular music that gets under your skin?
"Egyptian Speed-Metal"

What are the top 3 Canadian songs of all time?
You're Having My Baby, The Theme from Wayne & Schuster, and anything by "Kish".

Any guilty musical pleasures I should know about?
Sometimes I blare Anne Murray's "Snowbird" on repeat for hours and pour hot wax on my nipples. Well, nipple.

Why should I trust you?
You probably shouldn't.