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About this Site
External Contributors

This site has been enhanced by the work of many people outside the CBC.

We would like to thank our external partners and contributors:

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  • Idéactif Conseil

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For Teachers Section
  • Susie Berg, senior editor
  • Jack Bogaski, writer
  • Greer Coe, writer
  • Beth Dye, writer
  • Avis Fitton, writer
  • Peter Flaherty, writer
  • Christine Greene, writer
  • Paula Goepfert, writer
  • Igor Nowikow, writer
  • Doug Panasis, (Resources.too) project manager
  • Naomi Pascoe, proofreader
  • Laura Pinto, writer
  • Jeff Quenneville, writer
  • Don Quinlan, senior writer
  • Mark Sewell, writer
  • Tom Smith, writer
  • Christine Straus, writer
  • Pauline Webb, writer
  • Ricki Wortzman, senior writer
The team from the Centre de ressources en éducation aux médias (CREM), Université du Québec à Montréal
CBC Archives Virtual Tour
  • Isabel Lapointe, producer
  • Mastodonte, integration
  • Brian Banks, writer
  • Simon Bousquet, images and illustrations
  • Jean-Pierre Lachapelle, additional photography
  • Daniel Rompré, additional photography
  • Andrew Ross, photography
  • Pierre Tison, POC Communications (et QTVR)
Writers Guild of Canada (WGC)
Canadian Office, American Federation of Musicians (AFM)
Canadian Heritage
  • Harold Boies
  • René Bouchard
  • Nathalie Garon
  • Jean-Pierre Lefebvre
  • Michel Murray
Library and Archives Canada
  • Beth Greenhorn
National Film Board of Canada (NFB)
  • Stéphanie Barker
  • Laurie Jones
  • Pierre C. Bélanger, professor, Department of Communications, University of Ottawa


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