CBC.ca Windsor
Changing Faces

The Fit

"When I got to the airport in Montreal, the first thing I saw was two men kissing and I was like – What? – damn, maybe I should go back. What I saw was not what I expected."
-Nigerian Immigrant

Not everyone has the same kind of experience as this man from Africa making his way to Windsor. But for most immigrants the world they are coming to is very different from the world they've left behind.

That's what Flora Mona is coping with. She's been in Windsor since November. Here home is in Sudan.

"In my country, if you're new everybody will just come and talk to you," she says. "They ask 'where are you coming from' and 'what do you need' but here, if you don't go and ask somebody, that's your problem."

For most new immigrants the appeal of Windsor is its already large immigrant community…a way to find a little bit of home.

Farraukha Lodhi researched the city on the internet but learning about the weather and city services wasn't as important as learning about who already lives in the city.

"I knew there was a large immigrant community here from Asia, from India, from Pakistan…"

Siodin Kho has only been in Windsor for a month but already he's found a community for support. The Indonesian man finds he's most comfortable in a university setting.

"I used to live in the U.S. and then I moved here," he says. "I live close by the University (of Windsor) so most of my friends are students and I am able to fit in."

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Facts and Figures

Diversity Officers
The Windsor public school board is one of the few in Ontario with a full time diversity officer.

In February 2005, Windsor City Council also hired a diversity officer.

Related Links
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Immigration Information from Statistics Canada

Essex County Chinese Canadian Association

South Asian Centre of Windsor and Essex County

Windsor Jewish Federation

Can-Am Indian Friendship Centre of Windsor

Windsor Islamic Association