CBC.ca Windsor
Changing Faces

The Problems

The immigrants moving to Windsor face all the problems immigrants traditionally face… new language, new customs, new friends… all issues to face and overcome.

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Souhila Sellidj 


Souhila studies English at Women's Skills Enterprise Training (WEST)
(runs 2:32)
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But in our series Changing Faces, CBC Windsor discovered there is one issue that overshadows everything else. And that's finding and keeping a good job.

Without that good job, the hope for a new life in Canada remains merely a hope.

That's what Farraukh Lodi and her family are facing. She and her husband and children have been in Windsor for three months. They are from Pakistan. They like Windsor but so far neither Farraukh nor her husband have been able to find work.

"We'd like to stay here because we like it," she says. "It's a nice small quiet place… we love the city and we love the people but it all boils down to economics at the end of the day."

If neither can find work, Farraukh says they may have to move somewhere else.

That's the point at which Mohsen Farat finds himself. He and his wife Siham Mansour live with their four children in a two bedroom apartment.

They left the United Arab Emirates 18 months ago. The Egyptian couple are trained professionals - he's a mechanical engineer and she's a doctor.

Neither can find work.

Farat says he's thinking of moving to Halifax. He says he has a friend there who may help him find a job. His wife will stay in Windsor with the children for now. They'll wait to see if Halifax can offer the work that Windsor couldn't…and to see if they will have the good life they hoped they'd find in Canada.

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Facts and Figures
The Women's Skills Enterprise Training or WEST

  - Opened in 1987
  - Staff has grown from 4 to 20
  - Deals with 1,000 people a year
  - Only 100 of those will find work


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Windsor public school board helps immigrant students. Allison Johnson reports. (runs 7:30).
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Multicultural Council of Windsor & Essex County

Windsor-Essex County United Way/Centraide

Windsor-Essex YMCA

The Windsor-Essex Community Database

Women's Enterprise Skills Training of Windsor (WEST)