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Ressources naturelles Canada
Projet CARTNAT de l'avant-pays central
.Données historiques
.Transect nord
.Transect sud
.Cartes numériques
.Cartes (1:20 000 et 1:50 000)
.Cartes (1:250 000 et 1:500 000)
.Articles des journeaux
.Rapports succints

Commission géologique du Canada
Commission géologique du Canada

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 Commission géologique du Canada
Ressources naturelles Canada > Secteur des sciences de la Terre > Commission géologique du Canada
Projet CARTNAT de l'avant-pays central
Produits: Cartes pour imprimer (1:20 000 & 1:50 000)

1:20 000 échelle

Nelson, J.L., Zantvoort, W. and Paradis, S. 2000: Geology of the Robb Lake Pb-Zn deposit, northeastern British Columbia NTS 94B/13; Geological map, Open File 2000-3, British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, scale 1:20 000.

1:50 000 échelle

Cecile, M.P. (compiler) 1997: Geology Sikanni Chief River area, parts of NTS sheets 94G/3 (Marion Lake), 94G/6 (Mount Withrow).; Geological Survey of Canada Open File 3471, scale 1:50 000.

Cecile, M.P. 1999: Preliminary geology of Marion Lake map area (94G/3), British Columbia; Geological Survey of Canada Open File 3736, scale 1:50 000.

Cecile, M.P. and Legun, A. S. 2001: Preliminary geology of the Mount McCusker, map area (94G/4), British Columbia; Geological Survey of Canada Open File 3767, scale 1:50 000.

Cecile, M.P., Khudoley, A.K. and Currie, L.D. 2000: Composite Geological Map of Marion Lake (94G/3), Mount Withrow (94G/6) and Minaker River (94G/11) northeastern British Columbia; Geological Survey of Canada Open File 3879, scale 1:50 000.

Currie, L.D., and Cecile, M.P. 1999: Preliminary geology of Mount Withrow map area (94G/6), British Columbia; Geological Survey of Canada Open File 3737, scale 1:50 000.

Currie, L.D., Kubli, T.E., and McDonough, M.R. 2000: Preliminary Geology, Chinkeh Creek (95C/9), Yukon and Northwest Territories; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File map 3843, scale 1:50 000.

Currie, L.D., Kubli, T.E., and McDonough, M.R. 2000: Preliminary Geology, Babiche Mountain (95C/8), Yukon and Northwest Territories; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File map 3844, scale 1:50 000.

Fallas, K.M., 2001: Preliminary Geology - Mount Martin (95C/1), Yukon Territory, British Columbia, and the Northwest Territories; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File map 3402, scale 1:50 000.

Fallas K.M., and Evenchick, C., 2002: Preliminary Geology - Mount Merrill (95C/2), Yukon Territory and British Columbia; Geological Survey of Canada Open File 4264, scale 1:50 000, 1 sheet.

Khudoley, A. K. 1999: Preliminary geology of Minaker River map area (94G/11), British Columbia; Geological Survey of Canada Open File 3735, scale 1:50 000.

Khudoley, A.K. 2002: Preliminary Geology - Brown Lake (95C/7), Yukon Territory; Geological Survey of Canada Open File 4267, scale 1:50 000, 1 sheet.

Kubli, T.E., and Khudoley, A.K. 2002. Preliminary geology, Richlands Creek (west half) British Columbia (NTS/SNRC 94 G/12 W); Geological Survey of Canada Open File 4237 1 colour map, scale 1:50 000.

Lane, L. S. 1999: Preliminary Geology of Redfern Lake (East half) map area (94G/5E), British Columbia; Geological Survey of Canada Open File 3734, scale 1:50 000.

Lane, L.S. 2001: Geology of the Redfern Lake map area (94G/5), British Columbia; Geological Survey of Canada Open File 4172, 1:50 000, 1 sheet.

Lane, L. S. 2001: Geology, Fisherman Lake, Northwest Territories (95B/5); Geological Survey of Canada Open File 4161, scale 1:50 000.

Legun, A.S., Nelson, J. L., and Cecile, M. P., 2000. Geology of Mount McCusker - Robb Lake area, northeastern British Columbia (NTS 94G/4W); British Columbia Geological Survey Branch Geoscience Map 2000-9, scale 1:50 000, 1 sheet.

Pigage, L.C., and Allen, T.L., 2001: Geological map of Pool Creek (95C/5), southeastern Yukon (1:50 000 scale); Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon Region, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Open File 2001-32.

Available in .pdf format via the Yukon Geological Survey Web site

Stockmal, G. S. 1999: Preliminary Geology of Richards Creek (East half) map area (94G/12E), British Columbia; Geological Survey of Canada Open File 3733, scale 1:50 000. Available in .pdf format via the Yukon Geological Survey Web site

Smith, I.R. 2002: Surficial Geology, Mount Martin, Yukon Territory (NTS 95C/01); Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4260, scale 1:50 000.

2005-03-13Avis importants