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Request for Proposals

Canada Wood - Request for Proposals for 2007-08

The Integrated Canada Wood / BC - Forestry Innovation Investment (CW/FII) On-line Project Application System will open to accept applications for the 2007-08 fiscal year in November 2006. As of December 1 2005, the Integrated CW/FII On-Line Project Application System started accepting proposals for Canada Wood funding. The on-line application system has been revamped to reflect the streamlining of proposals between Canada Wood and FII. Accordingly, associations that are eligible for both Programs, can submit a proposal simultaneously to both Canada Wood and FII during the application period. With the implementation of this revamped on-line application system, several points should be taken into consideration such as:

  • if an application is made to both Programs, be sure to check the boxes intended for that purpose,
  • carefully read all the ‘Help / Content Required’ commands, which will provide you with a detailed listing of information items that should be input as part of your proposal,
  • a proposal must be submitted for each market where you plan to pursue market development activities.

Your association should continue to use the Canada Wood personalized user name and password to access the system to draft on-line applications and submit them for funding. New users and association members who have forgotten their password can visit the Web site ( for further information, or contact Eric Saumur at 613-947-7358 / Your application for the period of April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008 must be submitted by the deadline which will be set and posted in the fall of 2006.

The Web site is accessible in both English and French, and it contains:

  • the Evaluation Criteria, which details the selection and rating processes for projects being considered for funding under the Program, and
  • the Handbook for Applicants, which provides background information on the initiative, describes the project selection process and provides other program related information.

Again, we look forward to working with you to achieve our goal of increasing offshore export market opportunities and branding Canada as a trusted, reliable and preferred supplier of quality wood products.

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