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Geoscientific insights into the Red River and its flood problem in Manitoba
.Research project
.List of Project Research Papers
.Geological controls on Red River flooding
.Historical floods and flood disasters
.Highest Red River floods 1800 to 1999
.Significant flood disasters in Manitoba during the 20th century
.Images of the Red River
.Additional information

Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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ÿStrong and safe communities
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Strong and safe communities > Floods
Geoscientific insights into the Red River and its flood problem in Manitoba

Funding for this project was provided by the Canada-Manitoba Agreement on the Red River Valley Flood Protection, the Geological Survey of Canada, the Manitoba Geological Survey and the Government of Canada's Climate Change Action Fund. The dendrochronological work benefited from a Manitoba Hydro Forest Enhancement Program grant to E. Nielsen. The International Red River Basin Task Force to the International Joint Commission supported research activities in 1998 that contributed directly to this project. We thank Professor W.F. Rannie, University of Winnipeg, for his contributions to papers included in this report. We are indebted to numerous landowners along the Red River valley for unfettered access to their properties and many insightful discussions about the Red River.

2005-11-03Important notices