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Natural Resources Canada
Geoscientific insights into the Red River and its flood problem in Manitoba
.Research project
.List of Project Research Papers
.Geological controls on Red River flooding
.Historical floods and flood disasters
.Highest Red River floods 1800 to 1999
.Significant flood disasters in Manitoba during the 20th century
.Images of the Red River
.Additional information

Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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ÿStrong and safe communities
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Strong and safe communities > Floods
Geoscientific insights into the Red River and its flood problem in Manitoba
Links to additional web information on the Red River

Organisations with interests on the Red River

Manitoba Geological Survey Paleoflood Research Program

This website details the work being done at the MGS Dendrochronology Laboratory in Winnipeg, as part of Red River Paleoflood Project. The site provides a wide range of information on tree rings and flooding in southern Manitoba.

Manitoba Water Resources Branch

This site provides links to the present river levels in Manitoba and predictions for flood prospects in the near future. The site also has an excellent collection of radarsat images of the 1997 Red River flood, aerial photographs of towns in the flood zone and a wide array of facts and figures on the 1997 Red River flood.

AVHRR Satellite images of the Flooding of the Red River of the North

This one is really neat. It has satellite images of the 1997 flood, spanning from the US all the way up to Lake Winnipeg, over the duration of the flood period.

Red River Basin Disaster Information Network

This site was set up after the 1997 spring floods in the Red River Valley. It is a means for organizations to exchange vital information as well as providing a venue for the coordination of regional efforts.

River Watch Online

This page provides daily updates on flooding during flood season as well as facts on past floods in both Canada and the US.

Red River Valley 1826, 1950 & 1997 Flooded Area Map

The flood map on this page shows the magnitude of the three largest Red River floods on record in Manitoba.

Manitoba Government web page on floods

This page provides information on all aspects of flooding in Manitoba.

National Ocean and Atmosphere Administration / National Weather Service web page for the Red River basin

National Weather Service for the Red River basin in the United States.

2005-12-12Important notices