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Geoscientific insights into the Red River and its flood problem in Manitoba
.Research project
.List of Project Research Papers
.Geological controls on Red River flooding
.Historical floods and flood disasters
.Highest Red River floods 1800 to 1999
.Significant flood disasters in Manitoba during the 20th century
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Geological Survey of Canada
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Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Strong and safe communities > Floods
Geoscientific insights into the Red River and its flood problem in Manitoba
Listing of project research papers

(last updated July 6, 2004)

(References highlighted in Bold represent the papers containing the main scientific results.)

1. Brooks, G.R., 2003a. Holocene lateral channel migration and incision of the Red River, Manitoba, Canada. Geomorphology, v. 54, p. 197-215.

2. Brooks, G.R., 2003b. Alluvial deposits of a mud-dominated stream; the Red River, Manitoba, Canada. Sedimentology, v. 50, p. 441-458.

3. Brooks, G.R., 2002. Floodplain chronology and vertical sedimentation rates along the Red River, southern Manitoba. Géographie Physique et Quaternaire, v. 56, p. 171-180.

4. Brooks, G.R. and Grenier, A. 2001, Late Holocene pollen stratigraphy of Lake Louise, Manitoba. In Current Research 2001-B1, Geological Survey of Canada, 7 p.

5. Brooks, G.R. and Medioli, B. E. (in press). Age of formation of the Horseshoe and Marion ox-bow lakes, Red River, Manitoba. Géographie physique et Quaternaire.

6. Brooks G.R. and Nielsen, E. 2000. Red River, Red River Valley, Manitoba. Canadian Geographer, v. 44, p. 304-309.

7. Brooks, G.R., Medioli, B.E., Hunter, J.A.M., Nixon, M., and Good, R.L. 2001. Lithological and geophysical logs of shallow boreholes across the floodplain of the Red River, near St. Jean Baptiste, Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report 3042, 10 p.

8. Brooks, G.R., Medioli, B.E., Prévost, C., Thorleifson, L. H., Nielsen E. and Lewis, M. 1999. Red River Flood Research Project: 1. Stratigraphic evidence of flooding. Proceedings of the Canadian Watershed Research Association Conference, October 27-28, 1999, Winnipeg Manitoba, p. II-1-II-16.

9. Brooks, G.R., St. George, S., Lewis, C.F.M., Medioli, B.E., Nielsen, E., Simpson, S. and Thorleifson, L.H. 2002. Geoscientific contributions to understanding flood hazards in the Red River Valley, Manitoba. Proceedings of the Canadian Water Resources Association, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 11-14, 2002.

10. Brooks, G.R., Thorleifson, L.H. and Lewis, C.F.M. (in press). Influence of loss of gradient from postglacial uplift on Red River flood hazard, Manitoba, Canada. The Holocene.

11. Ferguson, G., and St. George, S. (in press). Estimated changes in 20th century groundwater levels in southeastern Manitoba. Journal of the American Water Resources Association.

12. Lewis, C.F.M. and Thorleifson, L.H. (unpublished). Empirical modelling of regional glacio-isostatic warping for evaluating drainage system development in Lake Winnipeg basin and Red River valley.

13. Lewis, C. F. M., Anderson, T. W., Forbes, D. L., Nielsen, E. and Thorleifson, L. H. 2001. Investigation of Lake Winnipeg sediments: a record of the last millennium. In Climatic extremes in southern Manitoba during the past millennium. report prepared for the Climate Change Action Fund, p. 33-63.

14. Lian, O.B. and Brooks, G.R.,2004. Optical dating studies of alluvium and hearth-like features from Red River Valley, southern Manitoba, Canada. The Holocene, v. 14, p. 569-577.

15. Medioli, B.M. 2001. Geochemical, grain size, mineralogical and chronological data from three shallow cores in the Red River Valley (Horseshoe Lake, Lake Louise, Manitoba and Salt Lake, North Dakota). Geological Survey of Canada Open File 4025, 80 p.

16. Medioli, B. E. 2003. The search for a paleoflood record using the physical and geochemical properties of cores from shallow lakes, Red River Valley, Manitoba and North Dakota. Current Research 2003-B1, Geological Survey of Canada, 11 p.

17. Medioli, B. E. (submitted). The impact of human settlement in the red River valley (Manitiba and North Dakota) on the limnology and sedimentation of floodplain lakes. The Holocene.

18. Medioli, B. M. and Brooks, G. R. 2003. Diatom and thecamoebian signatures of Red River (Manitoba and North Dakota) floods: Data collected from the 1997 and 1999 spring freshets. Journal of Paleolimnology, v. 29, p. 353-386.

19. Medioli, B. M. and Brooks, G. R. 2003. Lithlogical logs of two boreholes from oxbow lakes on the Red River floodplain. Geological Survey of Canada Open File 1635, 17 p.

20. Nielsen, E., and St. George, S., 2000. The paleoenvironmental history of the Red River Valley since AD 1463. In Report of Activities. Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines, Geological Services. p. 220-222.

21. Nielsen, E., St. George, S., Matile, G., and Keller, G. 2002. Environmental geoscience in the Red River valley. CPG/NGSC Field Trip Guidebook. 2002 Energy and Mines Ministers' Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 14, 2002.

22. Rannie, W.F., 2001. Assessment of the historic hydrology of the Assiniboine River and watershed 1793-1870. Geological Survey of Canada Open File 4087, 246 p.

23. St. George, S. and Nielsen, E. 2000. Signatures of high magnitude 19th-century floods in Quercus macrocarpa tree rings along the Red River, Manitoba. Geology, v. 28, p. 899-902.

24. St. George, S. and Nielsen, E. 2001a. Paleoclimatic potential of ringwidth and densiometric records from Thuja occidentalis, Pinus strobus, and Pinus resinosa in southeast Manitoba and northwest Ontario. In Climatic extremes in southern Manitoba during the past millennium. St. George, S., Anderson, T.W., Forbes, D.L., Lewis, C.F.M., Nielsen, E. and Thorleifson, T.W. (editors), report prepared for the Climate Change Action Fund, p 24-32.

25. St. George, S. and Nielsen, E. 2001b. A 591-yr record of annual precipitation in Winnipeg derived from tree rings. In Climatic extremes in southern Manitoba during the past millennium. St. George, S., Anderson, T.W., Forbes, D.L., Lewis, C.F.M., Nielsen, E. and Thorleifson, T.W. (editors), report prepared for the Climate Change Action Fund, p 8-23.

26. St. George, S., and Nielsen, E. 2002. Hydroclimatic change in southern Manitoba since AD 1409 inferred from tree rings. Quaternary Research, v. 58, 103-111.

27. St. George, S. and Nielsen, E. 2003. Paleoflood records for the Red River, Manitoba, Canada derived from anatomical tree-ring signatures. The Holocene, v.13, p. 547-555.

28. St. George, S. and Nielsen, E. 2002. Dendrochronology and flood hazard analysis: Examples from the Red and Assiniboine River basins. Géographie Physique et Quaternaire, v. 56, p. 181-190.

29. St. George, S. and Rannie, W.F. (2003). Causes, progression, and magnitude of the 1826 Red River flood in Manitoba. Canadian Water Resources Association Journal, v. 28, p. 99-120.

30. St. George, S., Anderson, T.W., Forbes, D., Lewis, C.F.M., Nielsen, E., and Thorleifson, L.H., 2001. Climatic extremes in southern Manitoba during the past millennium. Final Report to the Canadian Climate Change Action Fund, Environment Canada, 64 p.

31. St. George, R.S., Nielsen, E. and Brooks, G.R., 1999. Red River Flood Research Project: 2. Flood record of the Red River determined by tree-ring analysis - preliminary results. Proceedings of the Canadian Watershed Research Association Conference, Oct. 27-28, 1999, Winnipeg, Manitoba, p. III-1-III-20.

32. St. George, R.S., Nielsen, E., and Brooks, G.R., 1999. Tree rings into the next millennium! In Report of Activities. Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines, Geological Services, p. 126-129.

33. St. George, S., Nielsen, E., Conciatori, F. and Tardif, J. 2002. Trends in Quercus macrocarpa vessel areas and their implications for tree-ring paleoflood studies. Tree-Ring Research, v. 58, p. 3-10.

34. St. George, S., Outridge, P. and Nielsen, E. (submitted). High-resolution dendrochemical analysis of flood-affected oaks using laser ablation ICP-mass spectrometry. Canadian Journal of Botany.

35. Simpson, S.L., Thorleifson, L.H., Lewis, C.F.M. and King, J.W., 2003. Lake Winnipeg project: Cruise report and scientific results. Geological Survey of Canada Open File 4196, 424 p.

35a Nielsen, E., Telka, A.M., Simpson, S.L. and Thorleifson, L.H. 2003. Reconnaissance of Netley Marsh stratigraphy: assessment of the potential for a Red River flood-relatedstratigraphic record. In Lake Winnipeg project: Cruise report and scientific results. Simpson, S.L., Thorleifson, L.H., Lewis, C.F.M. and King, J.W. (editors), Geological Survey of Canada Open File 4196, p. 389-427.

36. Simpson, S.L., Thorleifson, L.H., Lewis, C.F.M. and King, J.W., (submitted). Last millennium sedimentation in the south basin of Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba: assessment of the potential for a Red River flood record. Geological Society of America Bulletin,

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