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GSC Laboratories
Geochronology Laboratory
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Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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ÿGeological Survey of Canada
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Geological Survey of Canada
Geochronology Laboratory
Proposal Outline


  1. Title of the Proposal

  2. Principal Investigator and Research Partners

    Affiliations, addresses, emails, phone numbers, etc.

  3. Scientific Rationale

    What is the scientific importance of the research? Provide sufficient background information: existing data, append a relevant reference list, summary table if required, and copies of relevant articles.

  4. Samples

    Describe the samples to be supplied to us for analysis and explain the importance of each utilizing the following subheadings (where appropriate):

    Sample number:

    • Type of sample to be supplied (mineral, rock, thin-section, soil, bone, etc.)
    • Sample processing required (pulverization, mineral separation, rock powder, etc.)
    • Description of the sample and, where appropriate, the components of particular interest
    • Data required for the sample and significance to project goals
    • Location (Lats & Longs or UTM coordinates)
    • Location details (particularly for rocks, a description of the outcrop location and sampling site)

  5. Analytical resources required

    Indicate which analytical facility or facilities are required for your study (SHRIMP, TIMS, Ar-Ar). For each, estimate the total number of analyses or time required to solve the problem (make sure to discuss the resource requirements with the appropriate lab managers).


    1. SHRIMP: 2 days of instrument time
    2. TIMS: 4 rocks (2 igneous ages and 2 metamorphic ages)
    3. Ar-Ar: 20 biotite ages

  6. Outputs

    In what form will the data be released, by whom, and when? (where applicable). Contact the lab managers for authorship protocols.

  7. Budget

    Estimate available funds, and if appropriate, the source of the funds.

  8. Schedule

    State desired date or dates for completion of the analytical work (contact lab managers to discuss timing).

  9. Linkage to GSC program (if applicable)

    If the research is connected to a GSC project then report the GSC Project number and explain the linkage, including persons in the GSC with whom the project has been discussed.

2006-05-09Important notices