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Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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ÿGeological Survey of Canada
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Geological Survey of Canada
Geochronology Laboratory
Areas of Research

Rates & Correlation


  • Timescale/stratigraphic correlations
  • Tectonics: orogenic processes, paleotectonic reconstruction
  • Paleo-glaciations
  • Hazards
  • Mineral deposit processes and exploration keys

Examples of Projects:

  • Precise emplacement chronology (U-Pb) of the Nain Plutonic Suite
  • Rate of lithospheric thinning and precise timescale of the eruption of lavas in the British Tertiary Volcanic Province.
  • Ancient Pacific Margin tectonic model correlation (NATMAP)
  • Stratigraphic correlation of the Nass River map area
  • Rates of UHP and HP metamorphism and exhumation, Western Gneiss Region, Norway

Crustal Evolution


  • Evolution of the earth's oldest crust (major impact on crust-mantle evolution studies)
  • Formation and stabilization of the lower crust (xenoliths, granites as probes)
  • Characterization of juvenile vs. reworked crust (tectonic accretion/evolution of orogens)
  • Constraining the ages of metamorphism (and uplift/cooling/denudation) in orogenic belts
  • Tracer isotopes & lithogeochemistry: crust formation, differentiation, modification

Examples of Projects:

  • Isotope geochemical contributions to multidisciplinary studies (often NATMAP)
  • Acasta Gneiss/Slave Province: SHRIMP study of the Earth's oldest zircons
  • Western Superior, Western Churchill NATMAP Projects
  • Trans-Hudson, NE Laurentia (Baffin, Torngat, Nain, Ketilidian)
  • Evolution of the Davis Strait using 40Ar-39Ar dating of volcanic rocks

Sedimentary Basins


  • Understanding sedimentary provenance through heavy mineral dating studies (principally U-Pb, zircon ± monazite); distribution of ages
  • Fingerprinting sediments for correlation purposes (assessing source contributions)
  • Maximum age of deposition
  • Timing of tectonic accretion in orogenic terranes
  • Age spectra can be used as a way of 'imaging' eroding basement at time of deposition
  • Detrital zircons may be the only way of assessing basement which is no longer exposed

Examples of Projects:

  • U-Pb detrital zircon study of turbidites in the Slave Province
  • U-Pb study of polycyclic detrital zircons, Late Paleozoic St. Marys Basin, Nova Scotia
  • Clastic and sedimentary sequences of the Woodburn Lake Group
  • U-Pb detrital zircon ages and the provenance of the Torridonian sandstones of NW Scotland
  • Paleoproterozoic basins of the Canadian Shield (Shaler, Hurwitz, Baker Lake)
  • Pan-continental river system draining of the Grenville orogen



  • Natural link between geological and environmental applications of isotope geochemistry
  • Unique ability to provide high-precision isotopic ratios
  • Pb and Sr isotopic ratios in lake sediments, water, organic tissue, bone, teeth
  • Interpretation of data to identify natural vs. anthropogenic components, delineate environmental pathways of contaminants

Examples of Projects:

  • Sr isotopic composition of modern walrus teeth from Hudson Bay and Arctic Islands
  • Pb isotopic database
  • Stable lead isotope characteristics of lead ore deposits

Research & Development


  • Expanding capabilities
  • Lower analytical uncertainties
  • Increased efficiencies
  • Improved interpretations

Examples of Projects:

  • Pb and Sr column chemistry for organic matrices
  • Ar-Ar analysis of Neogene volcanics
  • Intercalibration of Ar-Ar and U-Pb isotopic systems
  • International Ar-Ar standard
  • New SHRIMP zircon U-Pb and trace element standards
  • SHRIMP zircon U-Pb calibration methods
  • New cathode design SHRIMP zircon REEs, Sr isotopes
  • Alunite Ar-Ar
  • Chemistry of altered zircon
  • Section project database
  • SHRIMP data reduction

2006-05-09Important notices