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Radiation Geophysics
.Gamma calculator
.Case history
.Morning Light
.Surface distribution of natural radioelements
.Survey coverage
.Compilation maps
Ternary image

Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Strong and safe communities > Radiation Geophysics
Radiation Geophysics


For each airborne gamma-ray spectrometry survey, both analogue products and digital data are released in a variety of point/line & grid/image formats.

Analogue products include:

  • maps of 7 primary radiometric elements:
    • POT* - Potassium (K, %)
    • URA* - equivalent Uranium (eU, ppm)
    • THO* - equivalent Thorium (eTh, ppm)
    • ADRN* - Natural air absorbed dose rate (ADRN, nGy/h)
    • RUT* - equivalent Uranium/equivalent Thorium (eU/eTh)
    • RUK* - equivalent Uranium/Potassium (eU/K, ppm/%)
    • RTK* - equivalent Thorium/Potassium (eTh/K, ppm/%)

  • TER* ternary radioelement map (K, U, Th)RGS logo

  • maps of secondary products:
    • MTF* - magnetic total field (nT)
    • MVG* - magnetic vertical gradient (computed, nT/m)
    • VTF* - VLF total field (%)
    • VQU* - VLF quadrature (%)

  • booklets for a single map sheet, comprising:
    • maps of primary & secondary variables (as above)
    • simplified topographic overlay
    • simplified geology overlay
    • stacked profile sections for all measured variables

* acronyms commonly used in filenames for these products.

Digital products include:

diskette image CD image
  • grids (K, eU, eTh, Exposure, eU/K, eTh/K, eU/eTh)
    These are binary floating-point flat raster files.

  • ternary (K, eU, eTh) imageRGS logo
    This is a binary 8-bit 3-band BIL (Band Interleaved by Line) image file that has been created from the original K, eU & eTh files using an algorithm tailored to the unique character of radiometric data (Broome et al, 1987).

  • multivariable point (flight line) data - all measured variables
    This is a binary file in the Section's proprietary Survey Line Data (SLD) format. It is designed for viewing with the SurView software (provided free with the data).

The grid & ternary image files are simple flat raster files. There are no headers or language-specific record delimiters (i.e. FORTRAN) embedded in the files, allowing them to be read with simple applications written in any programming language, including FORTRAN (with some care), C, Pascal & QBASIC. The header information (shape, size, description) is provided in separate ASCII files.

For no particular reason, the SLD file format (for multivariable line data) is not publicly documented, but SurView provides facilities to export the data to popular formats (i.e. XYZ text files).


Digital line (point) and gridded data ordered from the Radiation Geophysics Section is supplied in the Section's proprietary SLD (line) & GRI (grid) binary formats. Every set of digital line (point) or gridded data ordered from the Section is accompanied by the following free software for viewing and printing the line and gridded data, as well as converting it to other file formats:

  • SurView: a viewing & printing application for Microsoft Windows (3, 95, NT) that handles line (point) and gridded data (runtime copy only, with import and other tools disabled) SurView can also export .SLD multivariable data file to:
    • ASCII XYZ (Geosoft & Geopak formats)
    • ASCII Arc/Info AML format (flight lines, profilemaps, labels)
    Note: these export capabilities used to be provided by the now-obsolete CONVSLD.BAS application.

  • CONVGRID.BAS, a DOS QBASIC utility for converting the supplied .GRI binary grid files to:
    • ASCII Grid eXchange Format (GXF) files
    • binary 8-bit image (i.e. for PCI)
    • ASCII Arc/Info (for the 'ASCIIGRID' import command)
    • Geosoft 16-bit binary grid files

Special products

The following Open File special products are also available:

Open File
GSC Information
1035 June 1984 (List 925) Airborne Radioactivity Survey Film (video-cassette)
2661 May 1993 (List 1025) SurView: a Microsoft Windows Application to View Geophysical Survey Data
3061 April 1995 (List 1045) Workshop Manual: Applications of Gamma-Ray Spectrometry & Magnetic/VLF-EM Surveys

Ordering maps and data

Current NATGAM airborne gamma-ray spectrometry survey coverage.

For each airborne gamma-ray spectrometry survey, the Section releases both analogue and digital products, in a variety of point/line & grid/image formats. Each survey is assigned a GSC Open File number that is listed in the GSC Monthly Information Circular along with a short description.

The prices and ordering information for the digital and analogue products of each Open File release are listed in the GSC Information Circulars. For custom orders or to enquire about the availability of data for a specific area, please contact:

Rob B. K. Shives
Head, Radiation Geophysics Section
Geological Survey of Canada
601 Booth St., Room 571
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E8

Voice: (613) 996-3695
FAX: (613) 996-3726

Licence agreement

Digital data purchased from the Radiation Geophysics Section is accompanied by the following Licence Agreement:

The digital data and/or SurView application supplied are under Crown copyright. They are supplied on the understanding that they are for the SOLE USE of the purchaser and are NOT to be DISTRIBUTED in any form to third parties. In acknowledging receipt of the data, the purchaser undertakes to abide by the foregoing legal requirements implicit in the purchase.

2006-09-19Important notices