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Radiation Geophysics
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Geological Survey of Canada
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Radiation Geophysics
Selected references

The following publications have been selected as being representative of the wide variety of research and development carried out over the years by members of the Radiation Geophysics Section.


Darnley, Arthur G., 1991
The Development of Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometry: Case Study in Technological Innovation and Acceptance, Nuclear Geophysics, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp.377-402.

This is a review of the GSC's Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometry program.


Bristow, Q., 1979
A Gamma-ray System for Airborne Geological Research; Current Research, Part C, Geological Survey of Canada, 79-1C:55-61.
NOVA in Skyvan

Bristow, Q., 1979
Gamma-ray Spectrometric Methods in Uranium Exploration - Airborne Instrumentation; in Geophysics and Geochemistry in the Search for Metallic Ores, Peter J. Hood, Editor, Geological Survey of Canada, Economic Geology Report 31, p. 135-146.

Bristow, Q., 1983
Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometry in Uranium Exploration - Principles and Current Practice; Nuclear Geophysics, Ed. G.G. Clayton, Pergamon press, 31 pp.

Calibration & survey techniques

Charbonneau, B.W. and Darnley, A.G., 1970
A Test Strip for Calibration of Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometers; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 70-1B, p 27-32.

Grasty, R.L., 1970
Gamma-ray Spectrometric Methods in Uranium Exploration - Theory and Operational Procedures, p. 147-162; in Geophysics and Geochemistry in the Search for Metallic Ores, edited by P.J.Hood, Geological Survey of Canada, Economic Geology Report 31, 811 p.

Grasty, R.L., Kosanke, K.L and Foote, R.S., 1979
Fields of View of Airborne Gamma-ray Detectors, Geophysics 44, No. 8, p. 1447-1457.

Grasty, R.L., 1984
Airborne Radioactivity Survey Film; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1035.

Grasty, R.L., Glynn, J.E. and Grant, J.A., 1985
The Analysis of Multi-Channel Airborne Gamma-ray Spectra; Geophysics, Vol. 50, No. 12, P. 2611-2620.

Grasty, R.L., Holman, P.B. and Blanchard, Y.B., 1991
Transportable Calibration Pads for Ground and Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometers; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 90-23, 25 p.
calibration pads

Grasty, R.L., Mellander, H. and Parker, M., 1991
Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometer Surveying; International Atomic Energy Agency, Technical Reports Series No. 323

Guidelines for radioelement mapping using gamma ray spectrometry data, IAEA-TECDOC-1363, 2003

Tammenmaa, J.K., Grasty, R.L. and Peltoniemi, M., 1976
The Reduction of Statistical Noise in Airborne Radiometric Data; Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 13, No. 10, p. 1351-1357.

Grant, J.A., 1998
Ten things the textbooks don't tell you about processing and archiving airborne gamma-ray spectrometric data; in Current Research, Part D, Geological Survey of Canada, p. 83-87.

Interpretation, case histories

Gregory, A.F., 1960
Geological Interpretation of Aeroradioemetric Data; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 66, 29 p.

Darnley, A.G., Grasty, R.L. and Cameron, E.M., 1975
Federal-Provincial Uranium Reconnaissance Program in Uranium Exploration; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 75-26, p. 49-63.

Charbonneau, B.W. Killeen, P.G., Carson, J.M., Cameron, G.W. and Richardson, K.A., 1976
The Significance of Radioelement Concentration Measurements made by Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometry over the Canadian Shield; IAEA Symposium on Exploration for Uranium Ore Deposits, Vienna, Austria, STI/PUB/434, p. 35-53.

Darnley, A.G., Charbonneau, B.W. and Richardson, K.A., 1977
The Distribution of Uranium in Rocks as a Guide to the Recognition of Uraniferous Regions; Symposium on Recognition and Evaluation of Uraniferous Areas, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria,1975, IAEA TC 25/9, p. 55-86.

Charbonneau, B.W. and Ford,K.L., 1979
Discovery of Two Uranium Occurrences in Paleozoic Sedimentary Rocks at South March, Ontario and South Maitland, Nova Scotia by Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometry and Comparison with Surveys over Precambrian Terrain; Journal of the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Vol. 15,No. 1, Dec. 1979, p. 54-76.

This paper illustrates the importance of examining radiometric diagnostic ratios such as the eU/eTh ratio, that can indicate a deposit of signficant economic potential, even though the anomaly from a primary variable (eU) may be less prominent.

Killeen, P.G., 1979
Gamma-ray Spectrometric Methods in Uranium Exploration - Application and Interpretation, p. 163-230, in Geophysics and Geochemistry in the Search for Metallic Ores, edited by P.J. Hood, Geological Survey of Canada, Economic Geology Report 31, 811 p.

Richardson, K.A. and Killeen, P.G., 1980
Regional Radiogenic Heat Production Mapping by Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometry; in Current Research, Part B, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 80-1B, p. 227-232.

Richardson, K.A., 1981
High Sensitivity Airborne Radiometric Surveying Over Tropical and Rain Forest Areas; in Uranium Deposits in Latin America: Geology and Exploration, International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA-AG-162-04, p. 63-78.

Ford, K.L. and O'Reilly, G.A., 1985
Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometric Surveys as an Indicator of Granophile Element Specialization and Associated Mineral Deposits in the Granitic Rocks of the Meguma Terrane of Nova Scotia, Canada, in High Heat Production (HHP) Granites, Hydrothermal Circulation and Ore Genesis; Institution of Mining and Mineralogy, St. Austell, Cornwall, England, Sept 22-25, 1985.

Charbonneau, B.W. and Swettenham, S.S., 1986
Gold Occurrence in Radioactive Calc-Silicate Float at Sandybeach Lake, Nueltin Lake Area, District of Keewatin; in Current Research, Part A, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 86-1A, p. 803-808.

Darnley, A.G., Richardson, K.A., Grasty, R.L., Carson, J.M., Holman, P.B. and Charbonneau, B.W., 1986
Radioactivity Map of Canada, Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1600A (1:5M scale), 1st Edition.
Radioactivity Map of Canada

Darnley, A.G. and Ford, K.L., 1987
Regional Airborne Gamma-ray Surveys: a Review; in Exploration '87 Proceedings, Geophysical Methods, Advancements in the State of the Art

Broome, J., Carson, J.M., Grant, J.A. and Ford, K.L., 1987
A Modified Ternary Radioelement Mapping Technique and its Application to the South Coast of Newfoundland; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 87-14.
Ternary Map

Maurice, Y.T. and Charbonneau, B.W., 1987
U and Th Concentration Processes in Canadian Granitoids, their Detection by Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometry and their Relationship to Granophile Mineralization; in Revista Brasileira de Geociências, Vol. 17, No. 4, p. 644-646.

Charbonneau, B.W., 1987
Gamma Spectrometric and Magnetic Anomalies Associated with Cu-U Mineralization, Faber Lake Volcanic Belt, District of Mackenzie, NWT, in Current Research, Part C, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 88-1C, p. 255-258.

Charbonneau, B.W. and Hogarth, D.D., 1988
Geophysical Expression of the Carbonatites and Fenites, East of Cantley, Quebec; in Current Research, Part C, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 88-1C, p. 259-269.

Darnley, A.G., 1988
The Regional Geophysics and Geochemistry of the Elliot Lake and Athabascan Uranium Areas, Canada; in Recognition of Uranium Provinces, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, p. 131-156.

Ford, K.L. Dilabio, R.N.W. and Rencz, A.N., 1988
Geological, Geophysical and Geochemical Studies around the Allan Lake Carbonatite, Algonquin Park, Ontario; in Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Vol. 30, p. 99-121.

O'Reilly, G.A., Corey, M.C. and Ford, K.L., 1988
The Role of Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometry in Bedrock Mapping and Mineral Explroation; Case Studies from Granitic Rocks within the Meguma Zone, Nova Scotia; in Maritime Sediments and Atlantic Geology, Vol. 24, No. 1, p. 47-60.

Charbonneau, B.W., 1991
Geophysical Signature, Geochemical Evolution and Radioactive Mineralogy of the Fort Smith Radioactive Belt, Northwest Territories, Canada; in Primary Radioactive Minerals (The Textural Patterns of Radioactive Mineral Paragenetic Associations), Theophrastuss Publications, Athens, Greece, p. 21-48.

Charbonneau, B.W. and Legault, M.I., 1994
Interpretation of Airborne Geophysical Data for the Thor Lake Area, Northwest Territories; in Studies of Rare-Metal Deposits in the Northwest Territories, (ed.) W.D. Sinclair and D.G. Richardson; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 475, p. 17-31.

Shives, R.B.K., Ford, K.L. and Charbonneau, B.W., 1995
Applications of Gamma-ray Spectrometry and Magnetic/VLF-EM Surveys, 'Workshop Manual', Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3061, 82 p.

Gandhi, S.S., Prasad, N. and Charbonneau, B.W., 1996
Geological and Geophysical Signatures of a Large Polymetallic Exploration Target at Lou Lake, Southern Great Bear Magmatic Zone, NWT; in Current Research, 96-1E, Geological Survey of Canada, p.147-158.
map map

Shives, R.B.K., 1996
Application of Airborne Multiparameter Geophysical Data (Gamma-ray, Magnetometer, VLF-EM) to Mapping and Exploration in the Rusty Lake and Snow Lake Areas; in EXTECH 1: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Massive Sulphide Research in the Rusty Lake-Snow Lake Greenstone Belts, Manitoba, Ed. by G.F.Bonham-Carter, A.G. Galley and G.E.M. Hall, Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 426, p. 277-279.

Thompson, P.H., Judge, A.S., Charbonneau, B.W., Carson, J.M. and Thomas, M.D., 1996
Thermal Regimes and Diamond Stability in the Archean Slave Province, Northwestern Canadian Shield, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories; in Current Research, 96-1E, Geological Survey of Canada, p. 135-146.

Shives, R.B.K., Charbonneau, B.W., Ford, K.L., 1997
The detection of potassic alteration by gamma-ray spectrometry - recognition of alteration related to mineralization; in "Geophysics and Geochemistry at the Millenium", Proceedings of the Fourth Decennial International Conference on Mineral Exploration (Exploration 97), September, 1997.

Environmental applications

Grasty, R.L., 1973
Snow-water Equivalent Measurement Using Natural Gamma Emission; Nordic Hydrologist 4, p. 1-16.

Bristow, Q., 1978
The Application of Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometry in the Search for Radioactive Debris from the Russian Satellite Cosmos 954 (Operation 'Morning Light'). Current Research, Part B, Geological Survey of Canada, 78-1B:151-162.

NTIS, 1978
Operation Morning Light, National Technical Information Service, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Report NV-198, Sept. 1978.

An illustrated non-technical summary of Operation Morning Light.

Gummer, W.K, Campbell, F.R., Knight, G.B. and Ricard, J.L., 1980
Cosmos 954: the Occurrence and Nature of Recovered Debris, Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada, Report INFO-0006, May, 1980.

Another illustrated non-technical summary of Operation Morning Light.

Grasty, R.L., 1983
Radiation Sources, GEOS, Vol. 12, No. 2.

Radiation dosage varies with where you live, how high you fly, how often it snows. One third is manmade. Putting that fact into perspective requires more information about background radiation: environment, location and other factors.
plume map 1 plume map 2

Grasty, R.L., Carson, J.M., Charbonneau, B.W. and Holman, P.B., 1984
Natural Background Radiation in Canada; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 360, 39 p.

Doyle, P.J., Grasty, R.L. and Charbonneau, B.W., 1990
Predicting Geographic Variations in Indoor Radon Using Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometry; in Current Research, Part A, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 90-1A, p. 27-32.

Grasty, R.L., 1993
Environmental Monitoring by Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometry, Experience at the Geological Survey of Canada; in Application of Uranium Exploration Data and Techniques in Environmental Studies, Proceedings of a Technical Committee Meeting, November 9-12, 1993, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, IAEA TECDOC-827.

Cocksedge, W., Rankin, W., Tostowaryk, W., Rahman, M., Charbonneau, B.W. and Grasty, R.L., 1993
Canadian National Native Home Radon Survey - Maximizing Resources through Radon Potential Assessment; Proceedings of the 26th Midyear Topical Meeting of the Health Physics Society Meeting on Environmental Health Physics, January 24-28th, 1993, Lake Coeur d'Alene, Idaho: 391-402.

Rangelov, R., Hetu, R., Grant, J.A. and Grasty, R.L., 1993
Monitoring Man-made Radiation by Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometry, Kozloduy Area, Bulgaria, Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2573, 10 pages.
map of reactor spill

Grasty, R.L., 1994
Summer Outdoor Radon Variations in Canada and their Relation to Soil Moisture, Health Physics, V. 66, P. 185-193.

Software and data management

Grant, J.A., 1993
SurView: a Microsoft Windows 3.x Application for Viewing Geophysical Survey Data, Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2661, List 1025, May 1993.

Grant, J.A., 1994
A Simple Archival Data Format for Multivariable Airborne Survey Data; Presented at the IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Computer Application in Uranium Exploration and Production - Case History and Current Status, November 15-18, 1994, Vienna, Working Material only - IAEA-NFCM/NENF-96/01 - Limited Distribution, (also available from the author)
Archival Data Format

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