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GSC Guide to Authors
Latin terms and abbreviations
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Abbreviation Latin term Definition
aff. affinis having affinity with but not identical with
auct. auctorum of authors
auct. non auctorum non (botanical) not of authors -- to follow the citation of a misidentified taxon
cf. confer compare
comb. nov. combinatio nova new combination
emend. emendavit emended, altered, corrected
emendatus, -a, -um emended
et al. et alii and others
ex aff. ex affinis of affinity
excl. var. exclusa varietate by the excluded variety
exclusis varietatibus by the excluded varieties
ex gr. ex grege from the herd, of the group
ex par. ex parte on one side
f. forma form (a morphological term); a rank of infraspecific taxa (ICBN)
fide by faith or trusting in (source)
gen. et sp. nov. genus (novum) et species novum new genus and new species
gen. nov. genus novum new genus (see also n. gen.)
ibid. ibidem in the same place (i.e. page or figure reference to a journal or volume)
indet. indeterminatus, -a, -um cannot be, or has not been, determined
in litt. in litteris in letters, correspondence (written comm. may also be used)
incertae sedis of a taxon: of uncertain position
lapsus calami an error made through carelessness in writing ('slip of the reed')
loc. cit. loco citato in the place cited (publication and page). Contrast 'op. cit.', in which publication alone is cited
mihi belonging to me (as a new species)
nob. nobis to us (as a new species)
nom. cons. nomen conservandum a name to be or should be preserved
nomen conservatum a preserved name
nom. dub. nomen dubium (ICZN) a name representing a taxon for which the original diagnosis or type material is inadequate to permit its subsequent recognition (pl. nomina dubia)
nom. nov. nomen novum new name (pl. nomina nova)
nom. nud. nomen nudum a name without a designation (i.e. without indication, description, or definition), therefore invalid (pl. nomina nuda)
non not
n. comb. new combination
n. gen. new genus (see also gen. nov.)
n. sp. new species (see also sp. nov.)
op. cit. opere citato in the work, article cited (no page reference)
part. partim in part
pars a part of a whole
q.v. quod vide which see
s.f. sensu forma in the form (taxonomy) sense
s.l. sensu lato in the broad sense
s.s. sensu stricto in the strict (narrow) sense
sic thus (to indicate an exact transcription, including errors)
sp. species species (singular)
spp. species species (plural)
ssp. subspecies (see also subsp.)
sp. indet. species indeterminata species indeterminate (cannot be, or has not been, determined)
sp. nov. species nova new species (see also n. sp.)
subgen., subg. subgenus
subsp. subspecies (see also ssp.)
sup. supra above
supra cit. supra citato cited above
typus; typicus, -a, -um typical or type species of a genus
v. vida indicates the author has viewed the type material (pl. vidimus)
var. varietas variety (as for subdivision of a species); a rank of infraspecific taxa (ICBN)

See also imprint date in the 'Reference' section.

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