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School Support
Program and Student Services

Guidance and Counselling: Four Components of Comprehensive Guidance and Counselling

A comprehensive guidance and counselling program includes four components. These components encompass services and programs ranging from school-wide developmental programs and services (primary prevention) to individual interventions, which include counselling, team consultation, and referral to specialized student services and community resources (secondary and tertiary prevention). The four components are:

Developmental Guidance

Developmental guidance programming focuses on competencies which all students should develop in order to achieve personal success and fulfillment, and to make a contribution to society. The content of developmental guidance programming includes expected student learning outcomes in three areas: personal/social development, educational development, and career development. This content is normally delivered through classroom teaching/learning units, group guidance methods, courses for credit (e.g., School-initiated Courses and Student-initiated Projects), and school-wide programs and projects.

In Manitoba, at the present time, examples of life/work (career development) competencies are identified in the Blueprint for Life/Work Designs. Blueprint for Life/Work Designs resources include the Real Game Series (Grades 3-S4) and a credit course in the Senior Years. Specific guidelines are provided to help strengthen career development and transition education in a wide variety of settings, including Early Years, Middle Years, and Senior Years schools. Visit Career Development – Program and Policy Services or Blueprint for Life/Work Designs for more information

Examples of competencies in the personal/social domain are identified in the Manitoba Physical Education/Health Curriculum.

Examples of activities used to develop guidance-related competencies also include whole-school programs such as participation in the Career Symposia, Canada Career Week, Manitoba Addictions Awareness Week, mentorships programs, peer helper programs, and conflict mediator programs

Individual Planning

Individual planning assistance supports and facilitates all students in developing and managing their individual personal/social, educational, and career goals and plans. Individual Planning involves the provision of personalized information, direction, assistance, and monitoring. The activities in this component are delivered on a group or individual basis. Examples of content in the individual planning component include making transitions, orientation to new placements, student portfolios, individualized career and educational exploration and planning, counselling regarding graduation requirements and course selection, post-secondary plans, and financial aid.

Responsive Services: Counselling, Consultation, and Referrals

A comprehensive guidance and counselling program includes responding to students who are experiencing immediate on-going problems, concerns, or crises which interfere with their learning. This component includes activities such as providing information, individual and small group counselling, consulting with staff and parents, and referral to other specialists or services.

System Support

This component involves the administrative and management activities necessary to support the guidance and counselling program, as well as activities or services provided by school counsellors to support other guidance and educational programs of the school. This component includes consultation and collaboration with parents and community agencies and other support services, staff development, research, budgeting, community relations, and program evaluation.