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New information line helps Albertans stop family violence
November 01, 2006

A new 24-hour toll-free information line will help callers reach out to someone they think might be struggling with family violence. Calling 310 1818 will put Albertans in touch with specialists who can provide information, advice and referrals.

End the silence. Stop the violence.

November is Family Violence Prevention Month, and this year’s theme is End the silence. Stop the violence. The launch of the toll-free phone line is part of a campaign aimed at Albertans who may not want to get involved or don’t know what they can do if they suspect abuse.

Government is also taking other steps to protect Albertans from family violence. On November 1, 2006, the newly revised Protection Against Family Violence Act becomes law. Changes to the act include:

  • adding stalking to the definition of family violence;
  • extending protection to family members that don’t live together, such as seniors; and
  • allowing counselling to be provided to children exposed to family violence without the consent of the abusive parent.

Related story: Stalking victims to gain protection from family violence (February 24, 2006)

Other government initiatives to prevent and respond to family violence include:

  • The Community Incentive Fund, which provides funding to local community projects that prevent and respond to family violence and bullying.
  • Family Violence and Bullying Prevention Coordinators who help develop coordinated and collaborative community responses to children, youth and families in family violence and bullying situations.
  • An extensive women’s shelter program that funds 489 beds across the province and provides $2 million each year to women’s shelters and Métis Settlements so they can offer outreach services to the community. This funding includes a Strathmore outreach project that is helping male victims of abuse and their children.

The government is also hosting an International Policy Forum on Family Violence on November 1 and 2. The input gathered at the forum will help create an action plan that responds to the needs of individuals, families and communities affected by family violence.

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