Personal Skills

The things that you like about yourself and the things you do all the time are the basics of great job skills!
If you...
Say this to an employer...
...get good grades and participate in school activities... I manage my time well and can concentrate on multiple projects at once. to come up with your own ideas and follow-through to the completion of the job without a lot of supervision... I am self-directed and able to take initiative.

...borrow things, whether your parents' cell phone or a friend's CD, you always return them on time and in good condition... I am responsible and considerate.

...are a good listener and help your friends work through their problems and make important decisions... I can understand many different points of view and have excellent problem-solving skills.

...always hand your assignments in on time and never keep people waiting... I have good time management skills and am punctual.

...have babysitting experience and have been given a lot of responsibility at home... I am trustworthy and appreciate the importance of responsibility. to make a personal statement with your fashion and style... I am innovative, dynamic and confident.

...are confident speaking with your group of friends and in front of a large crowd... I am self-assured and have excellent presentation ability. I enjoy speaking in public. books and read everything you can get your hands on... I love reading and learning new things.

Skill Building

Job Skills

Personal Skills

Key Phrases