Key Phrases

Whether you're writing a great resume or getting ready for a job interview, this list can help!
If you...
Say this to an employer...
...enjoy the company of people from many different groups of society... I interact well with diverse cultures.

...enjoy camping and wilderness activities... I am adaptable and self-sufficient.
...keep your personal possessions tidy and organized, with systems that you designed... I am orderly, methodical and have strong organizational skills.
...always give others your full concentration when they are speaking to you... I am attentive and understand the importance of listening.

...feel strongly about the look and feel of your personal space, like your room, and work hard to ensure that its design reflects your personality... I have a flair for design, am original and take initiative in the things I do.

...have ever participated in volunteer work...

I believe it is important to contribute to the community as well as develop my own skills.
...are athletic and focus a lot of time and effort on sports or training... I am very task-oriented and focused.

...excel at math and feel comfortable working with numbers... I am precise and analytical.

Skill Building

Job Skills

Personal Skills

Key Phrases