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The Manitoba Securities Commission


Complaints, What Action to Take?

If you have a problem with your broker or advisor, what steps should you take in order to resolve the issue at hand?

1.  Always keep accurate records of visits or conversations that you have with your advisor for reference in the event of a disagreement.

2.  If a problem arises, speak to your advisor, explain the problem or your concern. Determine if the problem can be solved to your satisfaction.

3.  If your broker or advisor is not able to assist you then request a meeting with the Branch Manager.

4.  If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction at the Advisor or Branch Manager level, you can seek assistance from the organization's Compliance Department/Officer. The Compliance Department/Officer may be housed locally or they may be located at the organization's head office out of province. Regardless, you can request the name and address of the Compliance Officer and attempt to reach a conclusion to your problem at this level.

5.  If you are not able to resolve the issue at the Advisor, Branch Manager or Compliance level then we suggest that you contact the Manitoba Securities Commission and ask to speak with one of the following individuals:

Jan Banasiak, Investigator Ph:  (204) 945-2556
Lyle Martin, Investigator Ph:  (204) 945-1602
Jason Roy, Investigator Ph:  (204) 945-4116

6.  Alternatively, if you are dealing with a firm that is a member of the Investment Dealers Association, you may contact the IDA and they will investigate the complaint. In some cases the matter may be referred to an arbitrator.



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