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The Manitoba Securities Commission

Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I find out if there have been complaints or investigations about an individual or company?
Information about complaints and investigations is not public.   However, if enforcement action has been taken against an individual or company, the resulting order is public and available from a variety of sources.  You can find out about the order by searching the orders under the Orders and Exemptions division or the reasons for decisions under the Investigation and Enforcement Division.  Orders issued prior to October 1, 1999 are available from the Commission by calling (204) 945-2548.

How do I find out if an old share certificate is worth anything?
If you have a stock broker, you might want to call the broker to see what information you can get from that source.

Second, since you're already on the Internet, why not start searching for information on the company using SEDAR?

Third, if you haven't found any information about the company yet, try checking the "Financial Post Survey Books" at your local library. This series of three books provides records of companies which are currently trading in Canada, and also records of predecessor and defunct companies in Canada going back almost 70 years.

Finally, if you know the province of origin of the company, you can call a Corporate Registry Office in that province to see if they have any record of the company, whether or not it has amalgamated with another company, or if it has ceased to file annual documents in that province.

If you are lucky enough to find that the company is still operating, and is even trading, then you will want to contact the transfer agent of that company. The transfer agent will be able to tell you what to do to transfer shares into your name, or how to contact the company.



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