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Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade

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Manitoba Legislative Building (side)

Financial Services

The financial programs managed through the Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade are targeted to help Manitoba enterprises start and prosper. The programs range from start-up assistance for small businesses to substantial financial leveraging to help attract jobs and investment into Manitoba.

Our Objectives

Increasing Access to Capital in Manitoba

The objective of Financial Services is to encourage and facilitate entrepreneurial and employment opportunities within the Province through the establishment of new businesses or the expansion/retention of existing Manitoba businesses.

How We Achieve Our Objectives:

The Branch promotes increased access to capital for industry by serving as a principal source of financial advice and assistance for businesses to expand or locate in Manitoba. In addition to delivery and administration of financial programs for the department, the Branch develops and administers a number of third party delivered pools of risk capital.

Phone: (204) 945-0141
Fax: (204) 945-1193

Top of the pageManitoba's Action Strategy For Economic Growth | PEAC Members

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