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Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade  

Investing in Manitoba | Industry Consulting | Financial Services | Small Business | Training & Continuing Education | Trade

Industry Consulting Services

3 men in black suits discussing businessIndustry Consulting Services provides sector knowledge to business (manufacturing and processing) in the areas of marketing, technology, business development, and management. Existing infrastructure advantages are used to maximize economic development opportunities and encourage commercialization and adoption of new technologies and strategic alliances to further strengthen and diversify Manitoba’s industrial capabilities.

Project development activities within the branch are wide-ranging and include a variety of projects from those initiated by sector planning activities to those responding to company specific opportunities. The objective of all project development activities is to create and preserve existing new jobs and investment in Manitoba.

Our Industry Experts

David Sprange, Senior Manager, (204) 945-7938

Aerospace and Defence

Robert Manson Senior Project Manager
(204) 945-8741
Aerospace Industry Map
International Aerospace Event 2006
Aerospace Directory

Ron Waugh, Senior Project Manager
(204) 945-1626

Reception: (204) 945-2475
Fax: (204) 945-3977


Barry Mitchell, Consultant
Vehicle Technology Centre Inc.
Transportation & Logistics
Transportation Equipment Manufacturing

July 27, 2006 - News Release:
Canada-Manitoba Economic Partnership Invests in Vehicle Technology

Safety & Security Sector

Manitoba's Action Strategy For Economic Growth | PEAC Members
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