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Manitoba Finance


18-K Description of the Province - October 2005
Registration information filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission on Form 18-K including description of the Province. (PDF version - size 422 k)

Reporting to Manitobans on Performance - 2005 Discussion Paper

Presentation to the House of Commons Subcommittee on Fiscal Imbalance
April 18, 2005 (PDF version - size 90 k)

The Conference Board of Canada's Fiscal Prospects for the Federal Provincial / Territorial Governments, February 2004 (PDF version - 517 k)

Prospectus describing the Euro Medium Term Note Programme which was filed with the UK Listing Authority and the London Stock Exchange -  February 2006 - (PDF version - size 738 k)

Canada's Fiscal Imbalance
A Perspective from Canada's Provincial and Territorial Ministers of Finance
(PDF version - 112 k) (April 25, 2002)

Manitoba's presentations to the Romanow Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada - March 6, 2002

The Equalization Ceiling
Notes and Supporting Material for a Statement on THE EQUALIZATION CEILING Presented by the Honourable Gregory Selinger, Minister of Finance to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance Considering Bill C-18:
English (PDF version - 124 k) (April 26, 2001)

Western Finance Ministers Report
A Paper (PDF version - 74 k) prepared by Western Provincial and Territorial Finance Minister for the Western Premiers' annual conference held in Brandon, May 23 to 25. The Western Premiers' communique. (PDF version - 13 k) (May 25, 2000)

Province of Manitoba Financial Review by Deloitte & Touche
Interim Report (PDF version - size 109 k) (November 17, 1999)
Information Technology & Major Initiatives (PDF version - size 298 k) (February 3, 2000)
Phase 1 v1. (PDF version - size 425 k) (February 8, 2000)
Phase 1 v2. Appendices (Adobe Acrobat file size 338 k) (February 8, 2000)

"The Competitiveness and Standard of Living of Canadians"
A paper prepared by the Provincial and Territorial Finance Ministers, to serve as a common basis for discussions on economic and fiscal priorities with the Honourable Paul Martin (Adobe Acrobat format) (December 3, 1999)

Balanced Budget Legislation
The balanced budget, debt repayment and taxpayer accountability act.
(Adobe Acrobat format) (November 3, 1995)


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