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Kindergarten to Grade 12
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth
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Instructional Resources (IRU)

The Instructional Resources Unit provides Manitoba Kindergarten through Grade 12 educators with curriculum implementation support, educational research and professional development materials; Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth staff with essential library services; teachers-in-training with library services as preparation for teaching; and all of the above clients, including the general public, with library services to facilitate lifelong learning and parental involvement.


Special Materials Services (SMS)

To respond to needs identified by school divisions, Special Materials Services (SMS) supports the education of students who are print handicapped (Blind/Visually Impaired, Physically Disabled, Learning Disabled and English Second Language) by providing books in alternate formats (audiotape, braille, large print, and electronic text). SMS, in conjunction with the vision consultants, also provides Special Learning Equipment (loans and repair) for some severely disabled students and technology support for blind/visually impaired students. Vision screening training and equipment loans and repair, as well as post-secondary alternate format books, can also be accessed at this site.


DREF (Bibliothèque française)

La Direction des ressources éducatives françaises (DREF) at S208 - 200 avenue de la Cathédrale, in Saint-Boniface, is a branch of the Bureau de l'éducation française, a division of Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth. The DREF is also the department's French library. Its mandate is to provide print and electronic educational resources to support Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 educators in the French, French-Immersion and Basic French programs.