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The Property Registry

Personal Property Registry

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I get copies of the act and regulations?

The Personal Property Security Act (chapter P35 of the Continuing Consolidation of the Statutes of Manitoba) came into force on September 5, 2000.

There are two regulations: Personal Property Registry Regulation (Manitoba Regulation 80/2000),
and Personal Property Registry Fees Regulation (Manitoba Regulation 79/2004).

The Manitoba Queen's Printer - Statutory Publications is the central distribution centre for acts (statutes) and regulations. Current copies of publications are available in person, by telephone, mail, fax or Internet.

Also, statutory publications are available for the public to read free of charge on the Queen's Printer Statutory Publications web site or at the Legislative library, Main Floor, 200 Vaughan Street in Winnipeg; at the Centennial Library in Winnipeg; at the Legislative Reading Room in the Legislative Building at 450 Broadway in Winnipeg; and in some provincial government offices and some university and college libraries across the Province.

Is training available on the system?

Training for the Personal Property Registry system is available online. This training contains the materials required to learn the Personal Property Registry system either on a self-learning basis OR for a teacher on a "one to one" or "in-class" basis.

  • Personal Property Registry Guide - A Word 97 formatted guide made up of six chapters. The guide contains imported screen shots and text boxes and will likely not import well into other word processing packages. Word 97 or higher is required to view and print these documents with no distortion.
  • Powerpoint Slides - Created as a teaching aid for the teacher in a classroom situation, the Powerpoints capture the high level instruction and screen shots for each step of each transaction in the Registry. Every screen shot in the guide appears in these Powerpoint slides. There is no software requirement to view these powerpoint slides; the viewing software is self-contained.
  • ScreenCams - Each transaction in the Registry is captured as a digital movie which can be played and replayed by the student (or the teacher) as a learning aid. The transactions are labeled and may be launched by simply double-clicking on the file. There is no software requirement to run these files; they are self contained.

Go to the “Training” link at the left side of this page under “Personal Property Registry”.

How do I search a name?

The new registry system is designed for public access through the Internet and has very specific regulations to follow both for registering and for searching names. If the debtor is an individual, then 3 elements are required to register the name. The same 3 elements are required to search the name:
Surname; First given name; Second given name

It is important to get the full name exactly right. The registry system considers that differences in names are different individuals or businesses, although it does make some allowance for variances in spelling.

For example if the debtor is an artificial body, a business debtor search of "Dock Enterprises Inc." will also find "Dueck Enterprise Inc" but will not show any registrations against "Donald Dock Enterprises Inc."

Similarly if the debtor is an individual:

  • a search of "Marie Dyck" will not disclose "Marie Daysie Dyck" or "Marie D Dyck"
  • a search of " Marie Daysie Dyck" will not disclose "Marie Dyck"
  • a search of "Marie D Dyck" will disclose neither "Marie Dyck" nor " Marie Daysie Dyck"

Note that the validity of a registration is affected if a search under the correct name of the debtor would not reveal the registration. Plans to discuss the adequacy of the name search process with a review committee are underway.


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