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The Property Registry

Personal Property Registry

Training Material

This training contains the materials required to learn the Personal Property Registry system either on a self-learning basis OR for a teacher on a "one to one" or "in-class" basis.

  • Personal Property Registry Guide - A Word 97 formatted guide made up of six chapters. The guide contains imported screen shots and text boxes and will likely not import well into other word processing packages. Word 97 or higher is required to view and print these documents with no distortion.

    Quick Reference Guide

    Chapter 1 - Overview of Personal Property Registry
    Chapter 2 - Accessing Manitoba Government Via Internet
    Chapter 3 - Registration in Personal Property Registry
    Chapter 4 - Searching in Personal Property Registry
    Chapter 5 - Other Services
    Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting

  • Powerpoint Slides - Created as a teaching aid for the teacher in a classroom situation, the Powerpoints capture the high level instruction and screen shots for each step of each transaction in the Registry. Every screen shot in the guide appears in these Powerpoint slides. There is no software requirement to view these powerpoint slides; the viewing software is self-contained.

You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to access some pages on this site. To download the Adobe Acrobat Reader, click on the following link:

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