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Manitoba Advanced Education and Literacy

Common Terms and Definitions

Students who have cohabited in a conjugal relationship for a period of at least one year (12 months as of the start date of classes), or who are the natural or adoptive parents of a child of the union are deemed to be in a common-law relationship.

Students must arrange for repayment of their loans with their financial institution within six months after ceasing to be a full-time student. Students who do not make payments as requested will be in default of their loans. As a result, their credit rating and the ability to receive future loans will be affected. Students who have defaulted must clear their default situation before receiving further assistance. If you are in a CSL default situation, contact the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, PO Box 2090, Station "D", Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6C6 for information on the steps you must take. If you are in default of provincial assistance, contact our Westman Regional Office.

Dependent Student
Students are considered financially dependent on their parent(s), guardian(s), sponsor(s), or other supporting relative(s) if they do not qualify as independent students. (See the definition for Independent Student).

Full-time Student
Students must be enrolled at a designated post-secondary institution in courses which constitute not less than 60% of a full course load for each period of studies (60% of a full year’s course load for the academic year and/or 30% in each term). Both the educational institution and the appropriate authority must recognize the student as being in full-time status in a program leading to a degree, diploma or certificate.

Students with permanent disabilities are required to take only 40% of a full course load over the entire academic year. Documentation must be provided to verify the nature of the disability.

Students attending Private Vocational Schools must be enrolled in 100% of a full course load to be considered full-time.

Independent Student
Students are considered independent of their parents if they meet one of the following criteria:

  • are married or were living common-law for 12 months at the beginning of their study period
  • were previously married or living common-law
  • are widowed, divorced or separated, or a single parent with dependent children living with him/her
  • were out of high school for a minimum of four years prior to the start date of the study period
  • were a member of the labour force for at least 12 months in a row on two or more occasions and were not a full-time student during that time
  • his/her parents are both deceased and there is no legal guardian
  • are a permanent ward of a Child and Family Services agency

An overaward occurs when a student receives more assistance than he/she was entitled to receive (i.e., an overpayment). Students are notified of overawards, which may arise as a result of a course-load reduction, withdrawal, or change in financial circumstances. Overawards must be repaid immediately and verification of the amount repaid must be provided. An overaward will be deducted from future Manitoba Student Aid.

The term "parent" refers to a natural parent, step-parent, common-law parent, or adoptive parent. All references to parents also apply to guardian and spouse, official sponsor and spouse, assisting relative and spouse, or nominator and spouse.

Permanent Disability
A permanent disability is a functional limitation caused by a physical or mental impairment which, for an indefinite period, affects the ability of the student to perform the daily activities necessary to participate fully in studies at a post-secondary level or in the labour force. The impairment is also expected to remain with the borrower for his or her expected natural life. Students with permanent disabilities may be eligible for special Canada Study Grants.

Pre-Study Period
The pre-study period is generally the four-month period immediately before the month in which the study period begins.

A student's expected pre-study contribution may be reduced for:

  • students who are ill or injured (this must be done on review)
  • students who were in full-time study (not necessarily post-secondary study) during the four-month period

The pre-study period starts the day after those classes end, and ends the day before the current classes begin.

Satisfactory Progress
Students must have satisfactory progress and attendance to continue to be eligible for student financial assistance. A satisfactory scholastic standard is defined as successful completion of at least 60% of a full course load (30% in each term) at the post-secondary level in an academic year. Some programs, such as those offered by private vocational schools, require that you be enrolled at 100% of a full course load to be eligible for assistance. Fall/winter and spring/summer are considered separate academic years. Mark transcripts or histories will be required for all students who have attempted at least one academic year of full-time study and have not passed 60% of a full course load in that year. Failure to maintain the satisfactory scholastic standard could result in the loss of eligibility for financial assistance.

Scholastic Progress Letter
This letter describes the consequences and the remedies of unsatisfactory progress and is sent to students who fail to satisfactorily complete at least 60% of a full course load (30% in each term).

Study Period
The study period (or period of study) is the interval during which an eligible student is registered in a program administered by a designated post-secondary education institution. The minimum length is six weeks if it is part of a program that is at least 12 weeks long. The maximum length is 52 weeks. Students registered in undergraduate programs must apply for fall/winter and spring/summer on separate applications. Graduate students can apply for up to 52 weeks if they are registered for that entire period and attend full-time.

The value of all vehicles, less a deduction of $5,000 on the total amount, is assessed as an asset if owned or leased by a student and/or their spouse, or of which they are the main user (primary operator). Vehicles include automobiles and recreational vehicles (examples, motorcycles). A student will continue to be considered the owner or primary operator if the sale or transfer of a vehicle could not be considered at "arms length." An arms-length transaction is a transaction between two or more parties who are not connected by family ties or who do not have any knowledge of each other.


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