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Review & Rate III

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Environmental Tobacco Smoke:  What Manitobans Said - click here

Cutting Through the Smoke - click here

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Healthy Living Calendar of Events

Manitoba Healthy Living | Tobacco Reduction

"Thanks for not smoking"
Information on The Non-Smokers Health Protection Act

On October 1, 2004, amendments to The Non-Smokers Health Protection Act (NSHPA) took effect.  These amendments prohibit smoking in enclosed places accessible to the public and indoor workplaces.    [See the Act | See the Regulations]

We appreciate the important role you will play in the implementation of this new law. The information package will help staff and customers understand how the new law works.

The following information is included in this package (examples provided below):

NOTE:  These PDF resources require the Adobe Acrobat Reader for proper viewing.  See link on left navigation bar to download the Reader.

Information for Retailers

Since January 1, 2004, The Non-Smokers Health Protection Act (NSHPA) has restricted the display, advertising and promotion of tobacco and tobacco-related products.

Effective August 15, 2005, retailers had to comply with provisions of the Act that restrict the display, advertising and promotion of tobacco and tobacco-related products.

If you wish to review the legislation, go to If you do not have Internet access, call (204) 788-6735 to have a copy sent to you.

June 2005

The information below explains the restrictions and how to comply with them.

July 2005

The information below contains information on the regulatory requirements for indoor and outdoor signs.

NOTE:  These PDF resources require the Adobe Acrobat Reader for proper viewing.  See link on left navigation bar to download the Reader.

If you have any questions or concerns about the NSHPA, please call Manitoba Government Inquiry at 1-866-MANITOBA (626-4862).

Thank you for helping to create a healthier environment.






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