Fisheries Education Information

  Sustainable Fisheries
  Teacher's Resource
    Tools (Grades K-S4)
  Hook/Cook Series:
    Barbecue, Bullheads,
    Burbot, Canning,
    Carp, Catfish,
    Drum, Ice Fishing,
    Sucker, White Bass
    Lake Trout, Burbot
  Fish Facts:
    Walleye, N. Pike,
    Burbot, Carp, Sauger,
    Drum, Catfish
  Manitoba Fish Key
  Coldwater Fish
  Handling Your Catch
  Zebra Mussels

Fish Habitat and Fish Culture Information

  Stream Crossing
  Fish Enhancement
  Initiative (FEI):

    Annual Report
    Application Form
    Stamp Competition
  Species at Risk:
  Introductions &
    Transfers Code:

    2002, 2003, 2004,

Domestic Fishing Information

  Subsistence Fishing
  First Nation Rights

Recreational Fishing Information

  2005 Anglers' Guide
  2006 Anglers' Guide
  Manitoba Angling
    Survey (2000)
  Manitoba Recreational
    Fishing League
  Winnipeg's Urban
    Angling Partnership
  Master Angler
  Nonresident Angling

Commercial Fishing Information

  Comm. History Profile
  Comm. Fishing Guide
  Bait Fish Guide
    Intensive Guide
    Trout Farming
    Manitoba Operations

Fisheries Legislation Information

    Flow Chart
  Fisheries Act (F14)
    Manitoba Fisheries
    Harvest Schedule:
    Rec. Fish Schedule:
  The Fisheries
        Act (F90):
    Comm. Fishermen's
        Records Reg.
    Fishermen's Loans
    Fishing Licence
        Fee Reg.
    Fishing Licensing
    Fish Transportation
        Loadslip Reg.
  Fisheries Inspection:
        Act (F12)
  Freshwater Fish
        Act (F13)

Kids Corner

  Kids Fishing Book
  Fish Mobile
  Fishing Hats:
    Northern Pike
    Channel Catfish
  Fish Tale

Manitoba Fisheries Links

  Travel Manitoba
  Canada Map Sales
  City of Winnipeg
  Freshwater Fish
  Manitoba Wildlife Fed.
  The Complete Angler
  Fish Futures Inc.
  SportFishing Canada
  National Fishing Week
  Manitoba Lodge &
      Outfitters Assoc.
  Manitoba Fly Fishers

Protecting and Managing Our Future

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Manitoba Water Stewardship Fisheries Branch Manitoba Water Stewardship Fisheries Branch

    Manitoba Fisheries mandate is to ensure sustainable use of the fisheries resource. Management programs are developed to provide the greatest benefits to Manitobans, by maintaining or enhancing fish populations and habitat, monitoring harvest and habitat alterations, and allocating resources for the best return.

Fish Habitat

Whiteshell Provincial Park   Manitoba Fisheries   Mink Creek : Lake Dauphin   Manitoba Fisheries   Rapid City Fishway : Monitoring   Manitoba Fisheries   Spawning Habitat

    Manitoba's 100,000 lakes cover approximately 17% or 101,600 km2 of its surface area. In addition, rivers, streams and marshes are home to important fish habitat. Healthy fish habitat provides sustainable benefits to sport, commercial and domestic users throughout the province.

    Over the past decade, mechanisms and processes have been put into place to prevent further loss of healthy fish habitat. In addition, Manitoba is focusing on enhancing and/or rehabilitating areas with lost or degraded habitat.

    One such program, the "Manitoba Fisheries Enhancement Initiative" has contributed funding for the enhancement, restoration and creation of fish habitat in Manitoba. Under this program, revenue generated through a portion of sport and commercial licence sales is used to fund such projects including: Lake Aeration, Fish Passage, Rearing and Spawning Enhancement, Stream Rehabilitation, Population Management and Education, Information and Promotion Materials.

Domestic Fishing

Domestic Fishing   Manitoba Fisheries   Domestic Fishing   Manitoba Fisheries   Domestic Fishing   Manitoba Fisheries   Domestic Fishing

    Domestic fishing is fishing for food by those Aboriginals with Constitutionally protected rights and other individuals who legitimately require access to the fisheries resource to meet basic subsistence requirements. Domestic fishing has long been an important activity to First Nations peoples. Fish have, and continue to be a valuable source of food. Fishing also plays an important role in bringing people together socially including the celebration of religious and cultural traditions.

Recreational Fishing

Master Angler Goldeye   Manitoba Fisheries   Red River Catfish  Manitoba Fisheries   Wellman Lake Walleye  Manitoba Fisheries  Rainbow Trout

    Manitoba's progressive fish management combined with strong conservation and selective harvest programs make it a world leader in sport fishing. Visiting anglers can count on a ready supply of trophy fish. Surrounded by sweeping clear-blue skies and pristine wilderness, anglers test their skills, savour a shore lunch and return home with a catch.

    Manitoba preserves these fishing traditions through conservation practices and the support of anglers from around the world. Over the last 20 years,cameras and tape measures have become a regular part of every angler's tackle. A quick set of measurements and the click of the camera are proof of the battles won. Using fishing resources with care and respect will guarantee world-class angling adventures for years to come.

Commercial Fishing

Open Water Commercial Fishery   Manitoba Fisheries   Winter Commercial Fishery   Manitoba Fisheries   Lake Winnipeg-Gimli Harbour   Manitoba Fisheries   Fish Transportation

    Commercial fishing is a valued industry in Manitoba. For over 100 years, Manitobans have been commercially harvesting fish. The majority of production comes from Lake Winnipeg and Lake Manitoba, but several smaller lakes in southern and northern Manitoba are also fished. The resource is managed through the use of quotas, mesh size of gill nets, seasons and regulating the number of fishermen licensed. These management tools allow fish populations and the industry to remain viable. They also ensure resources are shared equitably on lakes with treaty Indian fishing and/or sport fishing.

    Since almost all of the commercial production is sold out of the country, the $30 million dollars in annual sales represents a significant contribution to Manitoba's economy.

Manitoba Water Stewardship - Fisheries Branch Offices

Headquarters: 200 Saulteaux Cresc Winnipeg, MB R3J 3W3 (204) 945-6640
Eastern: Prov Hwy #502 Lac du Bonnet, MB R0E 1A0 (204) 345-1450
Interlake: 75 - 7th Ave Gimli, MB R0C 1B0 (204) 642-6099
Western: 1129 Queens Ave Brandon, MB R7A 1L9 (204) 726-6452
Western: 27 Second Ave SW Dauphin, MB R7N 3E5 (204) 622-2205
Northwest: 3rd & Ross Ave The Pas, MB R9A 1M4 (204) 627-8296
Northeast: 59 Elizabeth Dr Thompson, MB R8N 1X4 (204) 677-6650

Email: fish@gov.mb.ca

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