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Manitoba Labour and Immigration


The Board presently produces:

Compendium of Grievance Arbitration Decisions

a summary of all arbitration awards rendered in the province of Manitoba and filed with the Board during the calendar year. This publication can be purchased through the Statutory Publications Office, Department of Culture, Heritage and Tourism, 200 Vaughan Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba (204)945-3101.  This publication was discontinued as of December 31, 2002.

Guide to The Labour Relations Act

a booklet explaining in lay persons' terms the various provisions of The Labour Relations Act, and the role of the Manitoba Labour Board and Conciliation & Mediation Services. (available in both English and French) This publication is being updated to incorporate recent changes to The Labour Relations Act.

Annual Report

a publication disclosing the Manitoba Labour Board's staffing and membership, as well as highlights of significant Board and court decisions, and statistics of the various matters dealt with during the reporting period.

Annual Report 2004-05 (pdf, 231kb)

Annual Report 2003-04 (pdf, 288kb)

Annual Report 2002-03 (pdf,592KB)

Annual Report 2001-02 (pdf,301KB)

This year's Manitoba Labour Annual Report is now available in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). To view Acrobat (*PDF Version) files, you need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader © version 4.0 or later installed on your computer. Acrobat Reader is free software provided by Adobe Inc©. To obtain a free copy of Adobe Reader 4.0 click on the "Get Adobe Reader" graphic above. Note that earlier versions of Acrobat may not work properly with these files.

Activities of The Manitoba Labour Board

a quarterly publication providing information and statistics on proceedings before the Board.  This publication was discontinued as of December 31, 2002.

Index of Written Reasons For Decision

contains an index of written reasons categorized by topic, employer and section of the Act. This publication is available on a subscription basis, also from the Statutory Publications office.

In December, 1998, the Manitoba Labour Board issued its Review of Bargaining Unit Appropriateness in Manitoba's Urban Health Care Sector. The Review of Bargaining Unit Appropriateness in Manitoba's Rural Health Care Sector was issued in January, 1998. Both publications may be obtained from the Board's office by sending a fax request to (204)945-1296.

The Board also distributes copies of Written Reasons for Decision following certain Board Decisions. It should be noted that Written Reasons for Decision are an extremely important component in Orders issued by the Board and are being referenced extensively by the parties in a dispute and by legal counsel.

The Manitoba Labour Board is continuing to work with QL Systems Limited in developing an automated database containing all arbitration awards filed with the Board since 1985 and all Written Reasons for Decision issued by the Board.

The Board has compiled and distributes Information Bulletins dealing with the Board's practice and procedure.



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