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Minister's Message Introduction: Building a green and prosperous future for Manitoba families Overview: Manitoba's green strategic framework
  1. Acting on energy and climate change
  2. Protecting our water
  3. Protecting our natural areas
  4. Reducing waste and preventing pollution
  5. Growing a sustainable, prosperous economy
  6. Fostering a green and healthy society
  7. Greening the provincial government
Conclusion Additional Resources Green and Growing Home At Your Service

7. Greening the provincial government

The Manitoba government recognizes that it must lead by example when it comes to being a good steward of our natural resources. The province is committed to pollution prevention and protecting the environment in its daily activities.

Our seventh green priority is to ensure the provincial government leads by example by operating more sustainably, introducing more energy-efficiency, reducing waste and saving taxpayers money. Many actions are being taken to meet this priority.

  • government office workersThe Demand Side Energy Use baseline audit of 85 Manitoba government buildings was completed in 2003 and found that 2001/02 greenhouse gas levels in government buildings was already 8% below 1990/91 levels.
  • Through education, feedback and direct program support, waste minimization initiatives have been introduced throughout more than 300 government buildings.
  • The Manitoba government now uses 30% post-consumer waste recycled paper.
  • At the Legislative building, ground irrigation systems use water drawn from the river; organic products are widely used to maintain lawns; and garden and lawn materials are collected for composting.
  • A solar wall project was installed at a seniors complex owned by the Manitoba Housing and Renewal Corporation (MHRC) in 2002.
  • The provincial light duty vehicle fleet currently includes 141 alternative and flexible fuel vehicles - there are 12 gas electric hybrids and 129 E85 flexible fuel vehicles which are capable of running on a blend of up to 85% ethanol. As well a further eight gas-electric hybrids, 48 E85 flexible fuel vehicles and one diesel Smart Car have been ordered to replace older fleet vehicles.

Public schools are adopting energy efficiency programs and are actively involving staff and students in monitoring energy use. In addition, new school buildings must now meet energy efficiency standards and new waste reduction strategies will be co-ordinated by Green Manitoba.

The Centre for Sustainable Transportation is relocating to Manitoba. It will be affiliated with the University of Winnipeg and will provide applied research and training and initiate a national Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Transportation. The Manitoba government has committed $500,000 to this project over five years.

Aerial view of field, small town and lakeWe will build on these initiatives by:

  • developing a truck-stop electrification demonstration project so trucks stopping at the demonstration site will be able to use electric power to decrease engine idling which will have the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2.425 tonnes per day
  • increasing recycling in all government premises leased or owned within two years
  • advancing building environmental controls within two years in all buildings
  • piloting lighting initiatives in government buildings like increasing use of energy-saving light emitting diodes instead of standard lighting
  • continuing to replace fluorescent light ballasts with low energy versions
  • expanding the use of geothermal and other energy sources, especially for new or major reconstruction
  • phasing out the use of ozone-depleting substances in chillers and other equipment
  • continuing to work with the federal government to establish an E85 fueling station in Winnipeg
  • promoting commuter challenge transportation options for employees year-round - the Manitoba Government has been an active participant in the annual Commuter Challenge, placing first for employee participation three years in a row
Winnipeg skyline on a summer night
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