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Minister's Message Introduction: Building a green and prosperous future for Manitoba families Overview: Manitoba's green strategic framework
  1. Acting on energy and climate change
  2. Protecting our water
  3. Protecting our natural areas
  4. Reducing waste and preventing pollution
  5. Growing a sustainable, prosperous economy
  6. Fostering a green and healthy society
  7. Greening the provincial government
Conclusion Additional Resources Green and Growing Home At Your Service

Green and Growing. Building a green and prosperous future for Manitoba families

Two girls playing in the waterManitobans are lucky. We are blessed with a clean, natural environment and vast water resources that are the envy of the world. But it might not always be that way. Our environment is under threat from a number of pressures. We must take action today to address these pressures and ensure a sustainable future for our children and grandchildren.

Creating a green economic and social future for Manitoba families is a key part of the Manitoba government's vision and a major driving force behind its activities.

Since 1999, the Manitoba government has implemented dozens of initiatives, laws and programs aimed at protecting and improving the province's environment. Collectively, these actions form a green strategic framework that has been created by government but is supported by businesses and communities throughout Manitoba. This framework focuses on preserving and protecting our environment as well as growing the Manitoba economy.

In Manitoba, we know the goals of protecting the environment and growing the economy can be achieved simultaneously. In fact, Manitoba is well placed to accommodate these two goals. We plan to take advantage of this situation by building a dynamic green economy that sustains our natural assets, promotes a healthy, vibrant society and ensures a prosperous future.

"In the last 50 years, humans have changed ecosystems more rapidly and extensively than at any other time in history."

- United Nations Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, March 2005

We Must Take Action Now

While our society is generally more affluent, more educated and enjoys more social benefits than ever before, our success has had a negative effect on our environment. The past half-century has seen ecosystems altered more radically and deeply than ever before. Changes to our climate, declines in water quality and loss of forested land are having both environmental and economic impacts. For example, increased water pollution is escalating the cost of water treatment worldwide.

Unpredictable weather events associated with climate change are raising global insurance costs by billions of dollars each year. Loss of forested land is increasing drought and reducing food production in many parts of the world. Declining supplies of oil and gas will continue to drive energy prices up. According to the United Nations Millennium Ecosystem Assessment of March 2005, if these trends continue, by 2050 we will not be able to sustain either our global environment or our global economy.

While this outlook seems dire, we can reverse this trend by taking action today. The UN's report - authored by 1,300 of the world's top experts on the environment and economics - is perhaps the most definitive statement that we cannot ignore the link between environmental sustainability and economic prosperity.

Manitoba - A World Leader in Building a Prosperous and Green Future

Red River College - downtown campusThe good news is Manitobans are already taking action. Since 1999, the province has been recognized as a world leader in planning and preparing for a greener future.

The construction of wind farms and expansion of ethanol and biodiesel production in rural Manitoba are adding new sources of clean energy and providing new sources of income for the rural economy.

Award-winning green buildings like Red River College's downtown campus, Mountain Equipment Co-op and the new Manitoba Hydro headquarters are saving energy and bringing renewed economic activity and vitality to downtown Winnipeg. In Manitoba's North, green energy initiatives will reduce emissions from fossil fuels, provide more affordable and efficient housing and create new jobs and training opportunities.

Foxes in the wildAs we work to protect Lake Winnipeg and the boreal forest on the east side of the lake, we are also protecting traditional livelihoods such as fishing and trapping, as well as creating new sustainable economic opportunities for First Nations communities.

Manitoba is also home to a growing environmental industrial sector that currently generates close to 5,400 full-time jobs and $350 million in earnings annually. From New Flyer's hybrid buses to our high-efficiency window manufacturers, from biomaterials and biofuels to natural gas refueling and hydrogen-handling expertise, our province has a fast growing innovation and technology sector. For example, new solutions to ecological problems are being developed in Manitoba and will provide new, highly-skilled, well-paid jobs. Worldwide, the environmental technology sector is estimated between $250 billion and $400 billion (US) and this is rising by 5% per year.

Kyoto and Beyond.
"Manitoba, which ranked first with an A, is setting the gold standard for the rest of the country."
- Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance, December 2004

Manitoba's hydropower is our most obvious advantage. Manitobans enjoy the lowest electricity rates in North America. In addition, our electricity is generated by clean hydro that provides significant exports to the United States and helps make our province one of the most affordable places to live in Canada.

Manitoba Hydro, our provincially-owned power utility, has a bright, dynamic future with new power generation projects like Wuskwatim and full partnerships with First Nations communities. The Province of Ontario is partnering with Manitoba to double our east-west transmission capacity, helping move toward a national energy grid and helping ensure Canada's energy security, while removing tens of millions of tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions through the replacement of Ontario's coal powered plants.

Manitoba Hydro, the provincial government and the private sector are currently working on numerous other alternative clean power projects that will create jobs and economic growth in Manitoba while also protecting and preserving our planet. For example, the town of St-Léon is at the centre of a major construction project to create one of the largest wind energy farms in Canada. This $210 million project will have a significant economic impact in the region, including generating 300 direct and indirect jobs. It will also help move Manitoba towards an even cleaner energy future through a strong partnership between the community and the private and public sectors.

These initiatives, and many more, are moving forward as a result of hard work by Manitoba citizens, communities and businesses as well as the provincial government.

Manitoba's legislative building

2005 Sustainability ReportWhile all this is positive news, we know we have much more to do. In July 2005, the Manitoba government issued its first ever Sustainability Report that measured the province's overall well-being in terms of environment, economy, health and social development. The report generally concluded that good progress is being made on virtually all fronts. However, Manitobans, as a whole, need to accelerate work in areas like water consumption and waste reduction.

Green and Growing is a strategic framework that will continue to be developed and expanded as we go forward. Through this strategic framework, we hope to provide Manitobans, and the world, with a better understanding of the Manitoba government's overall approach to the environment as well as the health and well-being of our province and its families. Our goal is to build a future that promises to be both green and growing for the benefit of all Manitobans.

“Manitoba’s climate change plan is the best of all the provincial and territorial plans.”
— David Suzuki Foundation, October 2005

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