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Note: The following are summaries of Bills that have been introduced and will be considered during the 5th Session of the 15th Legislative Assembly. You can use this link to view the current status of the Bills.

* Please note, summaries of Bills will be made available only after they have been given first reading.

(Disclaimer) Please note that Bills posted on this website are in two classes; 2nd Reading Bills and Certified Bills. 2nd Reading Bills do NOT include changes made by motion in Standing Committee and Committee of the Whole. Certified Bills are complete, and represent the final Bill as at assent. A user can ascertain the class of a Bill by reviewing the information in the Disposition Table on the cover page of the Bill. The Disposition Table is completed for Certified Bills, but there are no entries in the Disposition Table for 2nd Reading Bills.


Supplementary Appropriation Act, No. 4, 2005-2006
Click to view complete Bill in PDF format

This Bill makes supplementary appropriations for the Government of the Northwest Territories for the 2005-2006 fiscal year.

(Disclaimer) Please note that Bills posted on this website are in two classes; 2nd Reading Bills and Certified Bills. 2nd Reading Bills do NOT include changes made by motion in Standing Committee and Committee of the Whole. Certified Bills are complete, and represent the final Bill as at assent. A user can ascertain the class of a Bill by reviewing the information in the Disposition Table on the cover page of the Bill. The Disposition Table is completed for Certified Bills, but there are no entries in the Disposition Table for 2nd Reading Bills.


Supplementary Appropriation Act, No. 1, 2006-2007
Click to view complete Bill in PDF format

This Bill makes supplementary appropriations for the Government of the Northwest Territories for the 2006-2007 fiscal year.

(Disclaimer) Please note that Bills posted on this website are in two classes; 2nd Reading Bills and Certified Bills. 2nd Reading Bills do NOT include changes made by motion in Standing Committee and Committee of the Whole. Certified Bills are complete, and represent the final Bill as at assent. A user can ascertain the class of a Bill by reviewing the information in the Disposition Table on the cover page of the Bill. The Disposition Table is completed for Certified Bills, but there are no entries in the Disposition Table for 2nd Reading Bills.


An Act to Amend the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act
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This Bill amends the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act to implement recommendations of the Independent Commission to Review Members' Compensation and Benefits, and to make other adjustments related to members' compensation and benefits. This Bill comes into force on the polling day for the general election that follows the dissolution of the Fifteenth Legislative Assembly.

(Disclaimer) Please note that Bills posted on this website are in two classes; 2nd Reading Bills and Certified Bills. 2nd Reading Bills do NOT include changes made by motion in Standing Committee and Committee of the Whole. Certified Bills are complete, and represent the final Bill as at assent. A user can ascertain the class of a Bill by reviewing the information in the Disposition Table on the cover page of the Bill. The Disposition Table is completed for Certified Bills, but there are no entries in the Disposition Table for 2nd Reading Bills.


An Act to Amend the Supplementary Retiring Allowances Act
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This Bill amends the Supplementary Retiring Allowances Act to implement the recommendation of the Independent Commission to Review Members' Compensation and Benefits that members who did not elect to receive an allowance under the Act after their first election to the Legislative Assembly should be permitted, if they are elected to a subsequent Legislative Assembly, to elect at that time to receive an allowance. Such a member may not buy back pervious service. This Bill comes into force on the polling day for the general election that follows the dissolution of the Fifteenth Legislative Assembly.

(Disclaimer) Please note that Bills posted on this website are in two classes; 2nd Reading Bills and Certified Bills. 2nd Reading Bills do NOT include changes made by motion in Standing Committee and Committee of the Whole. Certified Bills are complete, and represent the final Bill as at assent. A user can ascertain the class of a Bill by reviewing the information in the Disposition Table on the cover page of the Bill. The Disposition Table is completed for Certified Bills, but there are no entries in the Disposition Table for 2nd Reading Bills.


An Act to Amend the Territorial Parks Act
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This Bill amends the Territorial Parks Act to provide that it is an offence to contravene an order of a park officer.

(Disclaimer) Please note that Bills posted on this website are in two classes; 2nd Reading Bills and Certified Bills. 2nd Reading Bills do NOT include changes made by motion in Standing Committee and Committee of the Whole. Certified Bills are complete, and represent the final Bill as at assent. A user can ascertain the class of a Bill by reviewing the information in the Disposition Table on the cover page of the Bill. The Disposition Table is completed for Certified Bills, but there are no entries in the Disposition Table for 2nd Reading Bills.


Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act
Click to view complete Bill in PDF format

This Bill replaces the Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act, and continues the existing Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of the Northwest Territories as the new Northwest Territories Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists. The Association is responsible for the regulation of the professions of professional engineering and professional geoscience in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

(Disclaimer) Please note that Bills posted on this website are in two classes; 2nd Reading Bills and Certified Bills. 2nd Reading Bills do NOT include changes made by motion in Standing Committee and Committee of the Whole. Certified Bills are complete, and represent the final Bill as at assent. A user can ascertain the class of a Bill by reviewing the information in the Disposition Table on the cover page of the Bill. The Disposition Table is completed for Certified Bills, but there are no entries in the Disposition Table for 2nd Reading Bills.


Pharmacy Act
Click to view complete Bill in PDF format

This Bill provides for the regulation of the practice of pharmacy in the Northwest Territories. It sets out requirements for registration as a pharmacist and application procedures. The scope of the practice of pharmacy is outlined and penalties are imposed on persons who practice without a licence or temporary permit.

(Disclaimer) Please note that Bills posted on this website are in two classes; 2nd Reading Bills and Certified Bills. 2nd Reading Bills do NOT include changes made by motion in Standing Committee and Committee of the Whole. Certified Bills are complete, and represent the final Bill as at assent. A user can ascertain the class of a Bill by reviewing the information in the Disposition Table on the cover page of the Bill. The Disposition Table is completed for Certified Bills, but there are no entries in the Disposition Table for 2nd Reading Bills.


Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act 2006
Click to view complete Bill in PDF format

This Bill corrects inconsistencies and errors in the Statutes of the Northwest Territories. The Bill deals with other matters of a minor, non-controversial and uncomplicated nature in the Statutes, and repeals provisions that have ceased to have effect.

(Disclaimer) Please note that Bills posted on this website are in two classes; 2nd Reading Bills and Certified Bills. 2nd Reading Bills do NOT include changes made by motion in Standing Committee and Committee of the Whole. Certified Bills are complete, and represent the final Bill as at assent. A user can ascertain the class of a Bill by reviewing the information in the Disposition Table on the cover page of the Bill. The Disposition Table is completed for Certified Bills, but there are no entries in the Disposition Table for 2nd Reading Bills.


Forgiveness of Debts Act, 2006-2007
Click to view complete Bill in PDF format

This Bill authorizes the forgiveness of debts in accordance with the Financial Administration Act.

(Disclaimer) Please note that Bills posted on this website are in two classes; 2nd Reading Bills and Certified Bills. 2nd Reading Bills do NOT include changes made by motion in Standing Committee and Committee of the Whole. Certified Bills are complete, and represent the final Bill as at assent. A user can ascertain the class of a Bill by reviewing the information in the Disposition Table on the cover page of the Bill. The Disposition Table is completed for Certified Bills, but there are no entries in the Disposition Table for 2nd Reading Bills.


Tourism Act
Click to view complete Bill in PDF format

This Bill enacts the Tourism Act which replaces the Travel and Tourism Act. The Bill provides for the licencing of persons conducting or offering to conduct guided commercial tourism activities. Tourism Special Management Areas may be designated so that limits or restrictions may be placed on tourism activities in areas that are archaeologically, culturally, historically or spiritually significant or that are ecologically sensitive. Provision is made for a Tourist Deposit Assurance Program so that a tourist may be reimbursed for a deposit that he or she paid to a tourism operator for a tourism activity that the tourism operator failed to provide.

(Disclaimer) Please note that Bills posted on this website are in two classes; 2nd Reading Bills and Certified Bills. 2nd Reading Bills do NOT include changes made by motion in Standing Committee and Committee of the Whole. Certified Bills are complete, and represent the final Bill as at assent. A user can ascertain the class of a Bill by reviewing the information in the Disposition Table on the cover page of the Bill. The Disposition Table is completed for Certified Bills, but there are no entries in the Disposition Table for 2nd Reading Bills.


Garnishment Remedies Statutes Amendment Act
Click to view complete Bill in PDF format

This Bill amends the Creditors Relief Act to provide that the wages or salary of a debtor may be garnished for a period of one year. Other incidental amendments are made to the Act in respect of this amendment.

The Exemptions Act is amended to exempt 70% of a judgment debtor's wages or salary from garnishment, subject to a minimum amount that may be prescribed. The Territorial Court Act is amended to revise the provision relating to the Territorial Court's jurisdiction in garnishment proceedings to correspond to the amendments made to the Creditors Relief Act.

(Disclaimer) Please note that Bills posted on this website are in two classes; 2nd Reading Bills and Certified Bills. 2nd Reading Bills do NOT include changes made by motion in Standing Committee and Committee of the Whole. Certified Bills are complete, and represent the final Bill as at assent. A user can ascertain the class of a Bill by reviewing the information in the Disposition Table on the cover page of the Bill. The Disposition Table is completed for Certified Bills, but there are no entries in the Disposition Table for 2nd Reading Bills.


Supplementary Appropriation Act, No. 2, 2006-2007
Click to view complete Bill in PDF format

This Bill makes supplementary appropriations for the Government of the Northwest Territories for the 2006-2007 fiscal year.

(Disclaimer) Please note that Bills posted on this website are in two classes; 2nd Reading Bills and Certified Bills. 2nd Reading Bills do NOT include changes made by motion in Standing Committee and Committee of the Whole. Certified Bills are complete, and represent the final Bill as at assent. A user can ascertain the class of a Bill by reviewing the information in the Disposition Table on the cover page of the Bill. The Disposition Table is completed for Certified Bills, but there are no entries in the Disposition Table for 2nd Reading Bills.


An Act to Amend The Legislative Assembly aAnd Executive Council Act, No. 2
Click to view complete Bill in PDF format

This Bill amends the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act to revise electoral districts. This Bill comes into force on the polling day for the general election that follows the dissolution of the Fifteenth Legislative Assembly.

(Disclaimer) Please note that Bills posted on this website are in two classes; 2nd Reading Bills and Certified Bills. 2nd Reading Bills do NOT include changes made by motion in Standing Committee and Committee of the Whole. Certified Bills are complete, and represent the final Bill as at assent. A user can ascertain the class of a Bill by reviewing the information in the Disposition Table on the cover page of the Bill. The Disposition Table is completed for Certified Bills, but there are no entries in the Disposition Table for 2nd Reading Bills.


Elections and Plebiscites Act
Click to view complete Bill in PDF format

This Bill replaces the Elections Act and the Plebiscite Act. It provides a framework for the orderly conduct of the election of members to the Legislative Assembly and for the holding of plebiscites. The existing Elections Act and Plebiscite Act are repealed. Consequential amendments are made to the Electoral Boundaries Commission Act, the Income Tax Act, the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act and the Public Service Act.

(Disclaimer) Please note that Bills posted on this website are in two classes; 2nd Reading Bills and Certified Bills. 2nd Reading Bills do NOT include changes made by motion in Standing Committee and Committee of the Whole. Certified Bills are complete, and represent the final Bill as at assent. A user can ascertain the class of a Bill by reviewing the information in the Disposition Table on the cover page of the Bill. The Disposition Table is completed for Certified Bills, but there are no entries in the Disposition Table for 2nd Reading Bills.


An Act to Amend the Jury Act
Click to view complete Bill in PDF format

The Bill amends the Jury Act so that the Sheriff may compile the jury list from records of the names and addresses of insured persons maintained under the Medical Care Act.

(Disclaimer) Please note that Bills posted on this website are in two classes; 2nd Reading Bills and Certified Bills. 2nd Reading Bills do NOT include changes made by motion in Standing Committee and Committee of the Whole. Certified Bills are complete, and represent the final Bill as at assent. A user can ascertain the class of a Bill by reviewing the information in the Disposition Table on the cover page of the Bill. The Disposition Table is completed for Certified Bills, but there are no entries in the Disposition Table for 2nd Reading Bills.


An Act to Amend the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act, No. 3
Click to view complete Bill in PDF format

This Bill amends the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act to set out certain rights and privileges of the Legislative Assembly, to clarify the responsibilities of the Speaker, Board of Management and officers of the Assembly, to define and ensure the consistent usage of certain terms, and to make a number of minor changes to the Act.

(Disclaimer) Please note that Bills posted on this website are in two classes; 2nd Reading Bills and Certified Bills. 2nd Reading Bills do NOT include changes made by motion in Standing Committee and Committee of the Whole. Certified Bills are complete, and represent the final Bill as at assent. A user can ascertain the class of a Bill by reviewing the information in the Disposition Table on the cover page of the Bill. The Disposition Table is completed for Certified Bills, but there are no entries in the Disposition Table for 2nd Reading Bills


The Education Act
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This Bill amends the Education Act to replace the definition "ratepayer".

(Disclaimer) Please note that Bills posted on this website are in two classes; 2nd Reading Bills and Certified Bills. 2nd Reading Bills do NOT include changes made by motion in Standing Committee and Committee of the Whole. Certified Bills are complete, and represent the final Bill as at assent. A user can ascertain the class of a Bill by reviewing the information in the Disposition Table on the cover page of the Bill. The Disposition Table is completed for Certified Bills, but there are no entries in the Disposition Table for 2nd Reading Bills.


An Act to Amend the Archives Act
Click to view complete Bill in PDF format

(Disclaimer) Please note that Bills posted on this website are in two classes; 2nd Reading Bills and Certified Bills. 2nd Reading Bills do NOT include changes made by motion in Standing Committee and Committee of the Whole. Certified Bills are complete, and represent the final Bill as at assent. A user can ascertain the class of a Bill by reviewing the information in the Disposition Table on the cover page of the Bill. The Disposition Table is completed for Certified Bills, but there are no entries in the Disposition Table for 2nd Reading Bills.


An Act to Amend the Income Tax Act
Click to view complete Bill in PDF format

This Bill amends the Income Tax Act to reflect and address proposed changes to the Income Tax Act (Canada) that would lower the income tax rate on large corporation dividends received by Canadians. The Bill would lower the Northwest Territories income tax rate on those dividends. The Bill would not come into force unless the proposed amendments to the Income Tax Act ( Canada) come into force.