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 Treasury and Policy Board

Treasury and Policy Board was created under the Government Restructuring Act (2001) which passed into law on  June 1, 2001.  Treasury and Policy Board (TPB) is a committee of the Executive Council, replacing the former Priorities and Planning Secretariat.

The Treasury and Policy Board office provides operational and administrative support to TPB and Cabinet.  Key responsibilities of the office are:

  1. Central planning agency of the Government of Nova Scotia responsible for setting business planning policy and guidelines for government, departments, agencies, and Crown corporations.
  2. Setting policy for accountability reporting by government, departments, agencies, and Crown corporations to further government's commitment to open and accountable government.
  3. Managing the flow of information and decision items to and from Treasury and Policy Board, which includes setting TPB's agenda and analyzing proposals.
  4. Assuming responsibility for the government's expenditure budget.  Overall responsibility for the provincial budget and the revenue estimates continues to rest with the Minister of Finance.

This mandate is part of a continuing effort to ensure that policy and program decisions, business plans, and fiscal priorities are closely coordinated, are consistent with each other and support government's priorities.  Accountability reporting seeks to demonstrate performance by requiring annual reporting to the House of Assembly on results achieved relative to the goals and priorities set out in annual business plans.  Overall, Nova Scotians can be assured that program and policy proposals fully consider, and are consistent with, business plans and budget priorities when decisions are made by TPB and Cabinet.

Other TPB office responsibilities include:

  1. overseeing government's Tangible Capital Asset policy; and
  2. overseeing the work of Voluntary Planning, an arm's-length organization that solicits and collects public and stakeholder input on key public policy issues.

The TPB office sets government-wide policies, establishes frameworks to guide policy, and assists and monitors to ensure polices are implemented.  TPB values facilitation, coaching, and encouragement based on shared accountability in guiding departments, agencies, and independent Crown corporations in their operations.  The TPB office works closely with the Department of Finance in developing the provincial budget and has close links with Communications Nova Scotia to ensure effective internal and external communication of government priorities and decisions.  TPB sets high standards of performance and accountability, encourages intelligent risk-taking and innovation, and identifies and communicates best practices.

See Business Plans, Accountability Reports, Budgeting

 Related Links

Office of the Premier
Executive Council Office
Intergovernmental Affairs (IGA)
Department of Finance
Public Service Commission (PSC)
Communications Nova Scotia (CNS)



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