Canadian Flag   Government of Canada

Sources of Federal Government Information 2005-2006,

Info Source

Sources of Federal
Government Information


A. Foreword

B. Inside Info Source

C. Using Info Source Effectively

D. Roles and Responsibilities

E. Access to Information Act

F. Privacy Act

G. How to Apply

H. Where to obtain Info Source

I. Institutions without Receiver General Accounts

J. Useful Terms

A. Foreword
B. Inside Info Source
C. Using Info Source Effectively
D. Roles and Responsibilities
E. Access to Information Act
F. Privacy Act
G. How to Apply
H. Where to obtain Info Source
I. Institutions without Receiver General Accounts
J. Useful Terms


A. Foreword

Info Source: Sources of Federal Government Information will make it easier for you to find out about the Government of Canada, its organization and its information holdings. It will help you determine where you should go, write or call to make government enquiries, and is likely to be the first and only step you'll need to take to locate the source of the information you want.

This publication is one of a series of four reference tools to assist you and other members of the public in exercising your rights under two Canadian laws - the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. The Info Source publications support the government's policy to explain and promote open and accessible information regarding its activities.

Info Source is comprised of the following publications:

Info Source: Sources of Federal Government Information:

  • provides information about the Government of Canada, its organization and its information holdings.
  • helps individuals determine which institution to contact about requesting information formally or informally.
  • provides individuals who are not, and who have never been employees of the federal government, with relevant information to facilitate access to personal information about them held by a federal government institution subject to the Privacy Act.

Info Source: Sources of Federal Employee Information:

  • contains information to help current and former federal government employees to locate personal information held by the government. • is intended to help former and current government employees to exercise their rights under the Privacy Act.

Info Source: The Access to Information Act and Privacy Act Bulletin:

  • provides statistical information about the number of Access to Information and Privacy requests on an annual basis and cumulative statistics since 1983.
  • contains a summary of federal court cases related to Access to Information.

Info Source: Directory of Federal Government Enquiry Points:

  • contains addresses and telephone numbers for federal departments and agencies subject to the Access to Information Act and/or the Privacy Act
  • other institutions associated with the federal government are included to facilitate access.

Info Source is distributed to libraries, municipal offices and federal government offices across Canada.

It is helpful to understand the basic differences between the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. The information accessible under each Act is different and there are different procedures to obtain it. The following pages describe the essential details.

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B. Inside Info Source

This Info Source publication has three main components:

1) Introduction

The Introduction includes:

  • Section A - the Foreword
  • Section B - a description of the contents of Info Source
  • Section C - guidance on how to use Info Source effectively
  • Section D - a summary of the roles and responsibilities of the federal government institutions that are either responsible for the production of Info Source or are responsible for the provision of input to the Info Source publications
  • Sections E, F and G - some essential points about the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act, and directions on how to locate information by using Info Source or by making a formal request under either Act;
  • Section H - contact information if you wish to obtain a copy of any of the Info Source publications
  • Section I - a listing of those institutions for which Access to Information Requests must be accompanied by cheques or money orders made out to the institution itself and not to the Receiver General of Canada; and
  • Section J – a glossary of terms used throughout the book.

2) Standard Program Records and Personal Information Banks Standard Program Records: There is some information that is almost universally collected and maintained by federal institutions in support of common functions and activities, such as Human Resources, Material Management, Corporate Services, etc.

A number of standard program record descriptions have been established by Treasury Board Secretariat and are included in this publication. Institutions may declare one or more of these standard records, rather than develop institution-specific record descriptions.

Standard Personal Information Banks (PIB): Standardized descriptions of personal information have been developed by Treasury Board to describe personal information that may be found in records commonly maintained by federal institutions. These descriptions are included in this publication. Institutions may choose to register and declare one or more of these standard Personal Information Banks rather than develop institution-specific PIBs.

3) Chapters

There is one chapterfor each federal government department or agency subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act, or to the Privacy Act only. Chapters are arranged in alphabetical order by the commonly used name of the institution. Each chapter contains the following (please note that institutions that are not subject to the Access to Information Act do not have to include these elements. Their reporting requirements are limited to Personal Information Banks):

General Information about the institution, including:

  • Background
  • Responsibilities
  • Legislation
  • Organization

Information Holdings including:

  • Program Records
  • Standard Program Records
  • Personal Information Banks
  • Standard Personal Information Banks
  • Classes of Personal Information
  • Manuals

Additional Information including:

  • The name of the institution to which any payment should be made if the institution does not have an account with the Receiver General of Canada;
  • The address of a central information source, as well as regional locations, if any; and
  • The address(es) of Reading Room(s).

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C. Using Info Source effectively

Determine the correct chapter
Turn to the chapter of the department or agency you think has the information, and check the Program Records and the Personal Information Banks.

If you don't know if you have the correct department or agency, a telephone call or letter to any Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator's office should provide the answer.

For persons with disabilities
Individuals who are unable to exercise their rights using regular procedures may obtain further assistance from any Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator's office.

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D. Roles and Responsibilities

Treasury Board
In accordance with the Access to Information Act, Treasury Board is responsible for the annual creation and dissemination of a publication that provides a description of government organizations, program responsibilities and descriptions of records with sufficient clarity and detail to enable the public to exercise its rights under the Access to Information Act.

Treasury Board is also responsible for the annual publication of an index of personal information that will both serve to keep the public information of how the government handles personal information, as well as facilitating the public's ability to exercise its rights under the Privacy Act. Treasury Board Secretariat fulfils these requirements through the annual publication of Info Source.

Library and Archives Canada (LAC)
Under the Library and Archives Canada Act, the Library and Archives Canada is charged with various responsibilities regarding the disposition of information created by federal institutions in support of public policy, administration of government and program delivery. These responsibilities include the authorization of records destruction by government institutions and the preservation of records for their historical or archival importance.

Questions concerning these responsibilities may be addressed to the Information Management Centre of the Library and Archives Canada (LAC) at (613) 944-IMGI (4644) or by e-mailing

Individual Institutions
Government institutions are required to provide descriptions of their organization and information holdings to Treasury Board Secretariat on an annual basis. These descriptions are utilized in the production of the publications required by the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act. Each department and agency is responsible for the information it submits.

Government institutions are also responsible for ensuring that all information/records are managed within an established life cycle. It is incumbent upon each government institution to understand and apply any legislation regarding the retention of information and more specifically, its own legislation. Each government institution is required to determine the appropriate retention periods for its records, including those common administrative records covered by a MIDA. Accountability regarding the decision to destroy records, once a Records Disposition Authority (RDA) has been established, and the timing of records destruction rests with individual government institutions.

Each federal institution has an Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator or a Privacy Coordinator. The Coordinators' offices are staffed by people whose role it is to answer questions and help identify the records or information you wish to see.

Coordinators may be contacted in person, by telephone, e-mail, letter or through the submission of a completed Access to Information and/or Privacy Request Form.

Information Commissioner
The Information Commissioner investigates formal complaints from members of the public arising from the Access to Information Act. If you have a complaint about the denial of access to information, fees charged for access, the time taken to respond to requests, refusal to give access in the official language requested, Info Source publications and other matters that relate to requesting or obtaining access to records, you may contact:

Office of the Information Commissioner
Place de Ville, Tower B
112 Kent Street, 22ndFloor
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 1H3

General Enquiries

(613) 995-2410


(613) 947-7294




(613) 992-9190

Web Site

When the Information Commissioner's investigation is completed, an individual who is of the opinion that they have not been given access to all information which they are entitled to receive has the right to apply to the Federal Court -Trial Division for a review of the matter.

Privacy Commissioner
The Privacy Commissioner is an ombudsman with the power to look into complaints of improper collection, use, storage, disclosure or disposition of personal information. The Privacy Commissioner may also help if you are dissatisfied with the response to your formal application or the time it has taken to obtain your response. If the Privacy Commissioner recommends that you be given access to records and the institution still refuses, an appeal may be made to the Federal Court.

When the Privacy Commissioner's investigation is completed, an individual who is of the opinion that they have not been given access to all of their personal information to which they are entitled, has the right to apply to the Federal Court - Trial Division for a review of the matter.

You may write or call the Privacy Commissioner's office at:

Office of the Privacy Commissioner
Place de Ville, Tower B
112 Kent Street, 3rdFloor
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 1H3

General Enquiries

(613) 995-8210


(613) 947-6850




(613) 992-9190

Web Site

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E. Access to Information Act

The Access to Information Act gives Canadian citizens as well as people and corporations present in Canada the right to have access to federal government records that are not of a personal nature. The Act complements but does not replace other procedures for obtaining government information. It is not intended to limit in any way the access to government information that is normally available to the public upon request.

Wide range of information
You may ask for information, no matter what form it is in, including letters, memos, reports, photographs, films, microfilms and computerized data. This Info Source publication has been designed to help you pinpoint the department or agency where the information is held and assists you in obtaining it.

Some information may be exempt or excluded under the Act.

Exemptions: Exemptions protect certain types of information that could cause harm if released. For example, some information on national security, law enforcement or trade secrets falls into this category.

Exclusions: The Access to Information Act does not apply to public information that is already available, such as publications and material in libraries and museums. It also excludes material such as Cabinet documents.

Note: The Act cannot give you access to records that are not controlled by the federal government, such as those maintained by provincial or municipal governments or by private organizations such as commercial banks and credit bureaus. Most provincial governments have legislation similar to the Access to Information Act, but may be referred to as a Freedom of Information Act. Consult the provincial government listings in the blue pages of your local telephone book.

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F. Privacy Act

In its day-to-day operations, federal government departments and agencies collect personal information from almost all Canadians. The Privacy Act gives Canadian citizens and people present in Canada the right to have access to information that is held about them by the federal government. It also protects against unauthorized disclosure of that personal information. In addition, it strictly controls how the government will collect, use, store, disclose and dispose of any personal information.

Most information is available when you ask
Most of your personal information is available to you at your request. This Info Source publication has been designed to help you pinpoint the department or agency where the information is held and assist you in obtaining it.

Types of personal information held
You probably already know about many of the programs and operations of the government that use personal information such as income tax at Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, citizenship at Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the Employment Insurance program at Social Development Canada.

There is personal information that the federal government may not release under the Privacy Act. For example, some personal information may relate to individuals other than the person requesting the information, or it may be about sensitive national security matters or law enforcement investigations.

Note: The Privacy Act does not control nor give you access to records that are not held by the federal government, such as those maintained by provincial or municipal governments or by private organizations such as commercial banks and credit bureaus. Most provincial governments have legislation similar to the Privacy Act. Consult the provincial government listings in the blue pages of your local telephone book.

Some personal information is confidential
The federal government must keep some personal information confidential under the Privacy Act, much of which relates to other people, national security or law enforcement.

Safeguarding personal information
The protection of your personal information and privacy is a very important aspect of the Privacy Act. The Act states how and when the government may collect, store and dispose of personal information. It also covers specifically why and how the information may be used or given out, as well as who may use or receive it.

Giving out information
The government may only disclose your information to someone else with your consent or when one or more of the criteria in the Privacy Act are met, such as to comply with a subpoena. Such disclosures are discretionary and are subject to any other Act of Parliament.

Personal Information Banks
Personal Information Banks provide a summary of the type of information about individuals that is held by federal departments and agencies. The Privacy Act requires that Personal Information Banks include all personal information that is organized and retrievable by a person's name or by an identifying number, symbol or other particular assigned only to that person. Personal Information Banks must also include personal information that has been or is being used, or is available for use for an administrative purpose.

Please see the glossary in Section J for definitions of the various types of PIBs.

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G. How to Apply

Access to Information Act
Once you have decided to make a formal request under the Access to Information Act, there are certain simple procedures to follow:

  • Consult Info Source to find the appropriate department or agency.
  • Obtain an Access to Information Request Form from any location where Info Source is available (including the Web Site:
  • If it is not convenient for you to fill in a form, you may send a letter, mentioning the Act (see details below).
  • Enclose the application fee (see details below).
  • Send the form or the letter to the Access to Information Coordinator at the appropriate department or agency.

If you decide to submit a letter, you must state clearly that you are requesting information under the Access to Information Act, and include the following:

  • name of the government department or agency you believe has the information you want;
  • description (be as specific as possible) of the records you want to see;
  • preferred method of seeing the records (e.g. do you want to receive photocopies of the original documents or see the originals in the government office where they are located?); your name, street, address, city or town, province or territory, postal code, telephone number(s) and your signature;
  • date of your request; and
  • application fee.

Fees and costs
An application fee of $5 (subject to change) applies and additional costs may be charged for each request. You will be notified in advance if there are additional costs and you may be asked to make a deposit.

Cheques and money orders are payable to the Receiver General of Canada with some exceptions. Please refer to Section I — Institutions Without Receiver General Accounts for a list of institutions to which Access to Information Requests must be accompanied by cheques or money orders made out to the institution itself and not to the Receiver General of Canada.

Turnaround time
Government departments must acknowledge your request within 30 days under the Access to Information Act. However, in special cases, they may need more time to process your request. If you feel it's taking too long, you may submit a complaint to the Office of the Information Commissioner (See Section D – Roles and Responsibilities).

Privacy Act
When you have decided to make a formal request under the Privacy Act, there are certain procedures to follow. Remember, you will find what you are looking for faster if you already have a good idea of which department or agency has the information you want.

Obtain a Personal Information Request Form at any location where Info Source is available (including the Web Site:

Fill out the form and identify yourself in such a way that the government may verify who you are, i.e. that it is you, and not someone else, asking for your information. The more precise the information you provide, the faster your request can be answered.

Send the form to the Privacy Coordinator of the appropriate department or agency.

There is no charge to apply for information under the Privacy Act.

To change the information
If you believe the information that a federal institution has on file about you is untrue or misleading, you may ask to have it corrected. Even if the department or agency does not agree to change this information, it must make a note that you have asked for the change and attach it to the file.

Turnaround time
Under the law, all or most of the information you ask for should be disclosed within 30 days of receiving the request. If a time extension is required, you will be notified within the first 30 days and told why up to another 30 days may be needed.

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H. Where to obtain Info Source

For more information about Info Source, the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act, you may contact:

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
L'Esplanade Laurier, East Tower
140 O'Connor Street, 8thFloor
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0R5

General Enquiries

(613) 957-2400


(613) 995-2855


(613) 996-0518


(613) 957-9090

General Library Reference

(613) 996-5494


Web Site

If you would like a copy of the Directory of Federal Government Enquiry Points or the Access to Information Act and Privacy Bulletin, please contact:

Treasury Board Distribution Centre
L'Esplanade Laurier, Level P-1W
300 Laurier Avenue West, Room P-140
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0R5


(613) 995-2855


(613) 996-0518


If you would like to purchase a copy of Sources of Federal Government Information or Sources of Federal Employee Information, please contact:

Publishing and Depository Services
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0S5



(613) 941-5995

Telephone Toll-free

1-800-635-7943 (Canada & US)


(613) 954-5779

Fax Toll-free

1-800-565-7757 (Canada & US)

Web Site

All four Info Source publications are also available free of charge on the Internet at: 

Note: Access to Information Act and Privacy Act requests must be addressed to the appropriate institutions, at the addresses listed in the pages that follow.

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I. Institutions without Receiver General Accounts

Access to Information Requests being sent to the following institutions must be accompanied by cheques or money orders made out to the institution itself and not to the Receiver General of Canada:

Atlantic Pilotage Authority Canada

Bank of Canada

Blue Water Bridge Authority

Business Development Bank of Canada

Canada Council for the Arts

Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Canada Science and Technology Museum Corporation

Canadian Air Transport Security Authority

Canadian Commercial Corporation

Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board

Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation

Canadian Polar Commission

Canadian Tourism Commission

Farm Credit Canada

Federal Bridge Corporation Limited

Fraser River Port Authority

International Development Research Centre

Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated, The

Laurentian Pilotage Authority Canada

Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board

Montreal Port Authority

National Capital Commission

North Fraser Port Authority

Office of the Chief Electoral Officer

Port Alberni Port Authority

Prince Rupert Port Authority

Royal Canadian Mint

Saguenay Port Authority

Saint John Port Authority

Seaway International Bridge Corporation, Ltd.

Standards Council of Canada

Toronto Port Authority

Trois-Rivières Port Authority

Vancouver Port Authority

Windsor Port Authority

Yukon Surface Rights Board

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J. Useful Terms

Glossary of Terms



Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator

Each federal government department or agency has an Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator. The Coordinators' offices are staffed by people to answer questions and help identify the records or information you wish to see.

Administrative Purpose

The use of personal information in a decision making process that directly affects the individual(s) to whom the information relates.

Bank (PIB) Number

A unique identifying number created for each Personal Information Bank. This number is assigned by each institution as a finding tool to link the PIB to the records and information maintained in their information management system.

Classes of Personal Information

Personal information not used administratively or not retrievable by personal identifier, for instance unsolicited opinions or general correspondence may be described under "Classes of Personal Information".

  • This category was created to ensure that government departments and agencies account for all personal information that they hold.

Data Matching

An activity that involves comparing personal data obtained from a variety of sources, including personal information banks, for the purpose of making decisions about the individuals to whom the data pertains.

Information Life Cycle

The life cycle of information encompasses the stages of the planning, collection, creation, receipt, and capture of information by an institution. The life cycle includes the organization, retrieval, use, accessibility, dissemination and transmission; storage, maintenance and protection; and disposition and preservation of information.


Directives, instructions, guidelines or procedures that are used by the employees of a department or agency to carry out its operations, activities or programs.

Multi-Institutional Disposition Authority (MIDA)

A Records Disposition Authority granted by the Librarian and Archivist of Canada to government institutions on a multi-institutional basis. A MIDA relates to records managed by all or a multiple number of government institutions, and which allows the institutions empowered to use the authority to dispose of records under certain terms and conditions.

Personal Information Bank (PIB)

Personal Information Banks provide a summary of the type of information about individuals that is held by federal departments and agencies.

  • The Privacy Act requires that Personal Information Banks include all personal information that is organized and retrievable by a person's name or by an identifying number, symbol or other particular assigned only to that person.
  • Personal Information Banks must include personal information that has been or is being used, or is available for use for an administrative purpose.

Personal Information Bank – Central Banks

These records and their related PIBs are maintained by central agencies such as the Public Service Commission, Public Works and Government Services Canada, and the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.

  • Central PIBs that describe information about federal employees (current and former) from all or several government institutions and are identified with the unique identifier "PCE".
  • Central PIBs that describe information about the general public, plus federal employees (current and former) are identified by the unique identifier "PCU"

Personal Information Bank – Particular Banks

Personal Information Banks that describe personal information about members of the general public, plus federal employees (current and former) that is contained in the records of the particular institution.

  • These PIBs are identified with the unique identifier "PPU".

Personal Information Bank – Employee Particular Banks

PIBs that describe personal information about current and former Government of Canada employees only, and are specific to the requirements of the particular institution. These PIBs are contained the complementary volume to this publication — Info Source: Sources of Federal Employee Information.

  • These PIBs are identified with the unique identifier "PPE".

Personal Information Bank – Standard PIBs

There are a number of Standard Personal Information Banks (Standard Banks) that describe personal information contained in records commonly maintained by most government institutions. Institutions may require one or all of these Standard PIBs. Standard PIBs describe information about such activities as Access to Information and Privacy Requests, Executive Correspondence Management Systems, etc.

  • Standard PIBs are identified with the unique identifier "PSU"

Personal Information Bank – Standard Employee PIBs

There are a number of Employee Related Standard Personal Information Banks (Standard Employee Banks) that describe personal information contained in records commonly maintained by most government institutions about their employees. Institutions may require one or all of these Standard PIBs. Standard Employee PIBs describe information about such activities as pay and benefits, training and development, performance, etc.,

  • Standard Employee PIBs are identified with the unique identifier "PSE".

Program Records

Descriptions of the records and information created, captured and used by each federal government institution in support of its mandate. Program Records provide pointers to information usually held by federal government departments or agencies in their record keeping system. The Program Record descriptions identify the subject areas covered by an institution's functions, programs and activities.

Program Record Number

A unique identifying number created for each Program Record description.

  • This number is assigned by each institution as a finding tool to access the information contained in their records.

Reading Room

The Access to Information Act requires all government institutions to provide facilities where their information and/or manuals can be reviewed. One or more location may be provided by an institution.

Records Disposition Authority (RDA)

The instrument that the Librarian and Archivist of Canada issues to enable government institutions to dispose of records which no longer have operational or other utility. There are three disposition methods – destroying the records (at the discretion of institutions), transferring historical records to the control of the Library and Archives of Canada or the removal of records from the control of the Government of Canada, i.e. transferring them to a Special Operating Agency or other level of government.

Retention and Disposal Standards

A timetable for the length of time institutional information/record is maintained under the control of the institution. These standards also indicate the disposition method to be applied to institutional records when no longer required to meet operational, legal or other requirements, and when the RDA may be applied for final disposition.

Standard Program Records

Descriptions of records/information commonly created, collected and used by federal institutions, such as Human Resources, Physical Security, etc.

Federal departments and agencies may declare one or all of the Standard Program Records within their Chapter s instead of developing institution-specific program record descriptions.

Access to Information and Privacy Coordinators

To view the updated list of Coordinators, please visit this link:

Access to Information and Privacy Coordinators

Index of Standard Program Records

Record No





Acts and Legislation


Administration and Management Services


Co-operation and Liaison


Buildings and Properties








Equipment and Supplies


Furniture and Furnishings


Office Appliances








Accounts and Accounting








Classification of Positions


Employment and Staffing


Human Resources


Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare


Official Languages


Pensions and Insurance


Salaries and Wages


Staff Relations


Training and Development


Business Continuity Plans


Automated Document, Records, Information Management Systems


Access to Information and Privacy Requests


Physical Security


Information Technology Services






Proactive Disclosure




Standard Program Records

This section describes the subject matter of certain records which are common to most federal departments and agencies, such as personnel records, financial records, purchasing and property control records, materiel management and central services. Individuals seeking access to the Standard Program Records of a particular institution should forward their access requests to the Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator at the address given in the previous pages.

Accounts and Accounting
Accounts and accounting generally; cash accounts; accounts payable; accounts receivable; and standing advances.
Program Record Number: PRN 915

Acts and Legislation
Acts and legislation - general, departmental, federal, foreign and provincial.
Program Record Number: PRN 902

Access to Information and Privacy Requests 
Includes material related to the administration of and internal procedures for the processing of formal and informal requests, in accordance with the Access to Information Act and/or the Privacy Act.
These records may contain the requests made by individuals to obtain access to information under the control of the institution in accordance with the Access to Information Act and/or the Privacy Act, related replies and information related to their processing, such as the software systems used within institutions to manage the administration of access and privacy requests, i.e. ATIP Flow, ATIP Image software, Coordination of Access to Information Requests (CAIR) System, etc. These records may include requests for correction of personal information; informal requests; complaints, investigations and requests for judicial review; consultations received from or sent to other institutions; requests for advice received from institutional officials that raise privacy and/or access to information concerns, etc.
Topics: These records may include material related to cases leading to a change of policy or procedure, material related to reports to Parliament on the administration of the Acts; conference material; committee information; copies of relevant legislation, and related policies, as well as information related to the interpretation and application of these laws and policies.
Program Record Number: PRN 930

Administration generally; accidents generally; motor vehicle accidents; agreements; appreciation; complaints and enquiries; associations, clubs and societies; audit, review and evaluation; badges, emblems and flags; bilingualism and biculturalism; cafeterias and eating facilities; campaigns and canvassing; ceremonies and celebrations; circulars, directives and orders; committees; conferences, meetings and symposia; corporations, companies and firms; emergency measures; inventions, patents and copyrights; licences and permits; parliamentary matters; plans and programs; reports and statistics; visits and tours.
Program Record Number: PRN 901

Administration and Management Services
Administrative and management services generally; correspondence management; duplication services; electronic data processing; electronic networks; forms management; information services; legal services; library services; mail, messenger and postal services; management services; records management; security services; telecommunications; travel and transportation services; secretarial, typing and word processing services; translation services.
Program Record Number: PRN 903

Auditor General reports and internal audit reports.
Program Record Number: PRN 916

Automated Document, Records, Information Management Systems
Automated document, records and information management systems are used to manage the full life cycle, from creation/collection to final disposition, of electronic documents (e-mail, word processing documents, spreadsheets, graphics, images, etc.), as well as non-electronic records (hard copy, posters, photographs, video tapes, audio tapes, maps, etc.). Information contained within the automated system may be entered in an electronic format, i.e. the capture of an electronic object or the creation of an electronic object through scanning (OCR), or a summary (profile) of the non-electronic information that is manually entered into the automated system.
This document/records/information life cycle management is done to facilitate compliance with the existing legislative and policy framework for the federal government.
Automated systems of this type normally allow for the integration of records and document management, imaging, and optical character recognition (OCR). Other features include the ability to search the information repositories for any word or string of words (full-text index searching and retrieval) and reporting capabilities. The automated system may also be electronically integrated with the institution's correspondence tracking system that is used to manage the tracking of incoming correspondence to ensure that responses about departmental policies, programs, initiatives and issues are prepared in a consistent and time-efficient manner.
Topics: The records related to Automated Document, Records and Information Management Systems may contain information about the institution's functional requirements, system specifications, the Treasury Board shared systems initiative, training information, procedures for the use of the system, implementation plans, maintenance procedures, migration strategies, technical support mechanisms, etc.
Program Record Number: PRN 929

Business Continuity Plans (BCP)
In compliance with the 2004 Operational Security Standard - Business Continuity Planning (BCP) Program, institutions must establish a Business Continuity Planning (BCP) Program. This program provides for the continued availability of services and associated assets that are critical to the health, safety, security or economic well-being of Canadians or the effective functioning of government. The BCP Program complements emergency preparedness that is mandated by legislation or government policy (e.g. fire and building evacuation plans; civil emergency plans). It also supports planning that is necessary to restore other-than-critical services and their associated assets and resources; departments should use this program to incorporate their planning for other-than-critical services.
The types of incidences for which the BCP may be initiated may vary from a minor incident, such as a building-specific power outage or an equipment or system failure, to one of provincial or national proportions. The BCP outlines and coordinates: the efforts of institutional staff; and the implementation of advance arrangements and procedures to ensure that the institution can continue or restart critical business operations within a reasonable timeframe.
Topics: The records related to Business Continuity Plans (BCP) may contain information about: Recovery plans; network and/or data backup procedures; emergency and recovery resources; service level agreements (including Memorandums of Understanding with other federal institutions); time-sensitive business functions; recovery or emergency response team members; essential records; plan escalation procedures; notification procedures for emergency response teams, institutional staff, Minister's staff, federal, provincial and municipal bodies; plan activation procedures; Command, Control and Emergency Centre Operations; Delegation/Designation of Authority; detailed business resumption, recovery and restoration procedures; software tools to create, and maintain the BCP; media handling procedures; etc.
Program Record Number: PRN 928

Budgets generally; estimates and supplementary estimates; and program forecasts.
Program Record Number: PRN 917

Buildings generally; acquisition; alterations and repairs; construction; contracts; damages; disposal; fire and fire prevention; and maintenance.
Program Record Number: PRN 906

Buildings and Properties
Buildings and properties generally; accommodation; accounting and inventories; planning and requirements; reports and statistics.
Program Record Number: PRN 905

Classification of Positions
Classification generally; audits; category and group; individual positions; and standards.
Program Record Number: PRN 919

Co-operation and Liaison
Co-operation and liaison generally and at the federal, international, provincial, university, college and school levels.
Program Record Number: PRN 904

Employment and Staffing
Employment and staffing generally; applications; casual and term employees; competitions; programs recruitment; requests for staffing action; and summer students.
Program Record Number: PRN 920

Equipment and Supplies
Equipment and supplies generally; accountability and inventories; catalogues; clothing; disposal and surplus; food; forms; fuels; laboratory; loans; maintenance and repairs; price lists and stationery.
Program Record Number: PRN 909

Finance generally; agreements and arrangements; allotments and transfers; allowances; banks and banking; cheques; claims; contracts; currency; encumbrances; expenditures; fees; funds; revolving funds and working capital advances; grants; signing authorities; taxes and travel allowances; and expenses.
Program Record Number: PRN 914

Furniture and Furnishings
Furniture and furnishings generally; beds and bedding; chesterfields and sofas; drapes; filing cabinets; household and office furniture and furnishings; and pictures.
Program Record Number: PRN 910

Hospitality is the provision of a reception, meal or entertainment to guests of government institutions, including social events or ceremonies in accordance with established policies and guidelines. Records related to hospitality events may contain information about the circumstances of the function, including any event requiring special authority; the form of hospitality; cost; location; number of attendees listed by category, i.e. guests, government employees; and approvals by the appropriate delegated officials.
Topics: The records may contain information about the function nature and scope, function type, i.e. dinner, reception, etc.; function location, i.e. private residence, restaurant, conference; financial limitations, who provided services related to the function, hospitality event protocols, etc. The records may also contain information about Hospitality Policies and Guidelines, financial signing authorities, the publication of hospitality information posted online, etc.
Program Record Number: PRN 933

Human Resources
Human resources generally; career management; inventories; performance appraisal; reports and statistics; requirements and utilization.
Program Record Number: PRN 921

Information Technology Services
This includes records related to the computer equipment and associated software for both institutional computer networks and employees workstations, electronic systems development and maintenance, technical assistant and support for networks, office systems and databases. May also include material related to the institution's technology architecture, standards and infrastructure; electronic mail systems and platforms, software and hardware acquisition, the annual planning process for the development of computer systems; and the business case process for application development and system acquisitions.
Topics: Includes material related to network systems, hardware and/or software – including peripheral equipment, i.e. printers, Personal Digital Assistants (PDA), Wireless Handholds, system user manuals or guides, change management processes, IT training courses, personal computer or desktop support (Help Centre), computer maintenance, etc.
Program Record Number: PRN 932

Lands - general; acquisition; concessions; development; disposal; fencing; flood control; landscaping parking areas; roads; streets and sidewalks.
Program Record Number: PRN 907

Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare
Occupational health, safety and welfare generally; counselling; health units; medical examinations; nursing services; recreation and sports; and surveys.
Program Record Number: PRN 922

Office Appliances
Office appliances generally; calculators; data processing hardware; duplicating equipment; photographic and microfilming equipment; recorders and typewriters.
Program Record Number: PRN 911

Official Languages
Official languages generally; identification and designation of bilingual positions; language requirements program; recruitment; and replacements.
Program Record Number: PRN 923

Pensions and Insurance
Pensions and insurance generally; superannuation plans; Canada Pension Plan; Quebec Pension Plan; reciprocal agreements; federal, provincial and private hospital and medical insurance plans; death benefit plan; disability insurance and unemployment insurance plan.
Program Record Number: PRN 924

Personnel - general; accidents and injuries; appointments; attendance; awards and honours; Corps of Commissionaires; positions and levels; hours of work and overtime; leave and holidays; promotions and reclassifications; regulations and directives; reports and statistics; retirements; and separations.
Program Record Number: PRN 918

Physical Security
In accordance with the Physical Security Standard issued under the Government Security Policy, federal institutions are responsible for the establishment and maintenance of appropriate measures (physical, procedural and psychological) to prevent, detect and respond to unauthorized access and other threats. Related to this is the establishment and use of detection devices and methods to identify attempted or actual unauthorized access as well as procedures and tools to activate effective and appropriate responses.
Topics: Includes material related to physical security design; physical safeguards, monitoring devices, security access procedures and tools (pass/identity cards), access to restricted zones; storage, transportation and transmittal of information and goods; destruction of information and goods; and the protection of personnel and the public at large.
Program Record Number: PRN 931

Proactive Disclosure
These records include information about the mandatory publication on institutional web sites of specifically identified government information. The purpose of making these specific information elements available on the Internet is to promote transparency, facilitate public access, and provide relevant and timely information so that Canadians are better able to hold their Government and public sector officials to account. The intent of the proactive disclosure initiative is to ensure that this information is provided in a consistent manner across government and that information is regularly updated according to established timeframes and guidelines.
Federal institutions are required to update information identified for the purpose of pro-active disclosure every three months and post it on-line within 30 days of the end of each period.
Topics: These records include information related to tools and guidance from the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) and other lead agencies about proactive disclosure; the maintenance of web sites related to proactive disclosure; etc.
Program Record Number: PRN 935

Procurement generally; contracts; local purchase orders; procedures and regulations; requisitions; standing offer agreements.
Program Record Number: PRN 912

These records are used to document and administer the relocation of individuals and their families.
Topics: Includes material related to employee entitlements and obligations, employer obligations, third party service providers, relocation claims, etc. May also include information about rental accommodations; travel to new locations; searching for new accommodation, i.e. house hunting; hotel/motel accommodation; copies of departmental policies and procedures pertaining to relocation; moving and storage company information; etc.
Program Record Number: PRN 936

Salaries and Wages
Salaries and wages generally; acting pay; deductions; pay rates; pay system; performance and senior merit pay; regulations; salary revisions; and severance pay.
Program Record Number: PRN 925

Staff Relations
Staff relations generally; adjudication; bargaining agents; collective agreements and interpretations; discipline; grievances; managerial and confidential exclusions; and union relations.
Program Record Number: PRN 926

Training and Development
Training and development generally; attendance; course content; course evaluations; individual courses; language training; nominations; plans; schedules and directives; and types of courses.
Program Record Number: PRN 927

These records are used to document and manage the travel activities of individuals who travel in support of their institution's mandate. These records may also include information related to the proactive disclosure of relevant travel expenses as specified in the Guidance Document: Proactive Disclosure of Travel and Hospitality Expenses issued by the Treasury Board Secretariat.
Topics: Includes material related to travel allowances, or per diem rates, travel expense claims, hotel directories, airline directories, etc. May also include copies of institutional policies and procedures pertaining to travel including the employee entitlements and obligations, employer obligations, payment for official institutional travel; etc.
Program Record Number: PRN 934

Utilities - general; air conditioning; electric power; water and sewage; garbage disposal; gas and oil; heating; lighting; plumbing and ventilation.
Program Record Number: PRN 908

Vehicles generally; air, land and water vehicles; insurance; maintenance and repairs; operating standards; registration and licences.
Program Record Number: PRN 913

Index of Main Book Standard Personal Information Banks

Bank Number

Title of Bank

PSU 901

Access to Information and Privacy Requests

PSU 902

Executive Correspondence Management Systems

PSU 903

Business Continuity Planning (BCP)

PSU 904

Automated Document, Records, Information Management Systems

PSU 905

Electronic Network Monitoring Logs

PSU 906

Internal Disclosure of Wrongdoing in the Workplace

PSU 907

Security Video Surveillance and Temporary Visitor Access Control Logs and Building Passes

PSU 908


PSU 909


PSU 910


PSE 916 Employee Assistance


Main Book Standard Personal Information Bank Descriptions

Standard Personal Information Bank (PIBs) descriptions have been developed to describe personal information that may be found in types of records commonly maintained by federal institutions. These records document internal administrative functions, systems and procedures that are common to or shared by all federal government institutions.

These information banks are identified with the unique identifier "PSU" as part of the bank number contained within the PIB.

Retention and Disposal Standards for Standard PIBs:

The following Retention and Disposal Standards statement applies to all Standard PIBs unless otherwise noted within a specific PIB.

  • The records containing the personal information described in the standard banks may be retained for different periods of time as decided by each government institution, unless otherwise specified.
  • At a minimum, personal information used for an administrative purpose must be retained for at least two years unless the individual consents to its earlier disposal. Any disposal of such records must be in accordance with Records Disposition Authorities issued by the Librarian and Archivist of Canada.
    • The Privacy Act defines administrative purpose to mean the use of that information in a decision making process that directly affects an individual.
  • For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.

Access to Information and Privacy Requests
The records containing the information described in this bank include requests made by individuals to obtain access to information under the control of the institution in accordance with the Access to Information Act and/or the Privacy Act, the replies to such requests, and information related to their processing. These records may include requests for correction of personal information; informal requests; records related to complaints, investigations and requests for judicial review; consultations received from other institutions; and requests for advice received from institutional officials that raise privacy or access to information concerns. Personal information may include the name of the requester, mailing address, telephone and facsimile numbers, e-mail address and other processing information related to the request, as well as personal information contained in institutional records that are relevant to the request.
Note: Personal information contained in institutional records relevant to the request is not used for administrative purposes.
Class of Individuals: Individuals who exercised their rights under the Access to Information Act and/or the Privacy Act, including individuals who made informal requests to obtain information under the control of the institution.
Purpose: The information described by this bank is used to administer the Access to Information Act and/or the Privacy Act as well as processing and responding to informal requests. This information may also be used during consultations with other government institutions, during investigations by the Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners and during court reviews. Aggregate information (does not identify individuals) is used to report to Parliament on the administration of the Acts.
Consistent Uses: Non-personal information may be used to provide reports on ATIP activities to management and to the Treasury Board Secretariat and other institutions, i.e. through CAIRS. The information may also be used for research, planning, audit and evaluation purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Coordinator.
RDA Number: 98/001
Related PR#: PRN 930
Bank Number: PSU 901

Automated Document, Records, Information Management Systems
The automated system described by this bank is used to capture and manage documents, records (including email) and information received and/or created by the institution in support of the institution's functions and activities. Documents and email received by the institution may be entered into the automated system in an electronic format or summarized (profiled) and entered manually into the system.
Class of Individuals: Any individual about whom the institution may collect information in support of a function, program or activity. All employees of an institution, including contractors, agency employees and students, as well as any individual corresponding with the institution.
Purpose: This type of an automated system is used to manage the life cycle of the institution's document, records and information collections, as well as facilitating access thereto. The automated system is used to ensure the information is available to support the operations of the institution, and then disposed of appropriately. The automated system also makes searching and retrieving information from the institution's information collections faster and easier.
Consistent Uses: The information may be used in an aggregate format to report on system use, growth of the information collection, etc. The automated system may also be electronically integrated with the institution's correspondence tracking system that is used to manage the tracking of incoming correspondence to ensure that responses about departmental policies, programs, initiatives and issues are prepared in a consistent and time-efficient manner. The information may also be used for research, planning, audit and evaluation purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/001
Related PR#: PRN 929
Bank Number: PSU 904

Business Continuity Planning (BCP)
The information described by this bank includes personal information that is contained in institutional Business Continuity Plans (BCP). A BCP is established by a federal institution to provide for the continued availability of services and associated assets that are critical to the health, safety, security or economic well-being of Canadians, or the effective functioning of government.
The personal information contained within a BCP may include the names, home addresses, home telephone, pager and cellular phone numbers of employees and officers who are part of the institution's BCP response team, as well as similar emergency contact information for Ministers, exempt staff, senior officials. Also included are the names, emergency contact numbers (including cellular phone and pager numbers) of disaster response and/or recovery vendors and other service providers, in addition to federal, provincial and municipal officials who may have to be contacted to assist the institution as the result of an emergency situation.
Class of Individuals: Employees and officers who are members of the institution's response team, as well as Ministers, exempt staff, senior institutional officials and emergency response officials and recovery vendors/service providers.
Purpose: The purpose of the collection and use of the personal information described in this Bank is to ensure that the institution can contact appropriate and responsible individuals to respond in the event of an interruption in normal business operations.
Consistent Uses: Personal information described in this Bank may be shared with other federal institutions, police, fire and other emergency response agencies on an "as required" basis. Non-personal information may be used to provide reports to senior management about the execution of institutional Business Continuity Plans. This information may also be used for research, planning, audit and evaluation purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Coordinator.
RDA Number: 98/001
Related PR#: PRN 928
Bank Number: PSU 903

Electronic Network Monitoring Logs
The records containing the information described in this bank relate to the use by individuals of federal government electronic networks. Logs containing details of network use by individuals are compiled and are reviewed by appropriate officials of the institution when there is suspected misuse of a federal government electronic network, as defined by institutional policies or the Treasury Board Policy on the Use of Electronic Networks. Examples of information that may be in the records include network logs that may link an employee's workstation to an IP address, listings of sites visited and information on any transactions conducted, including date, time, duration and nature of the visit or transaction. The records may also include information on the use of authorization codes assigned to particular individuals, including successful or unsuccessful use of the codes, date, time and frequency.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution and other individuals using federal government electronic networks, including student employees, contract staff and agency personnel. Members of the public, Ministerial staff, Members of Parliament that send e-mail to the institution or to specific individuals within the institution.
Purpose: The information contained in the records is compiled to support the investigation of suspected or alleged misuse, or deliberate impairment of government electronic networks by persons employed by the institution or by other individuals from outside the institution.
Consistent Uses: The information may be used to substantiate any disciplinary action taken where violation of institutional policies or the Treasury Board Policy on the Use of Electronic Networks is determined. If an internal investigation determines that criminal actions may have taken place, the information may be shared with appropriate police authorities. This information may be used to provide reports to management. The information may also be used for research, planning, audit and evaluation purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/001
Related PR#: PRN 932
Bank Number: PSU 905

Employee Assistance
The records containing the information described in this bank are treated in a confidential fashion that is relative to an employee's involvement in an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). These records may include notice of voluntary or mandatory (supervisory work performance related) referral; records of reference to, or reports and correspondence from a health professional or rehabilitation agency; and only non medical interpretations concerning an employee's work capability or limitations. All personal medical data shall be maintained in a medical protected status under the control of the Workplace Heath and Public Safety Program within Health Canada. Records relating to work performance deficiencies, absenteeism and disciplinary matters are to be held in the appropriate institutional record (with its related personal information bank) and not held with EAP files.
Class of Individuals: Individuals (Employees, contractors, volunteers and family members, etc.) who seek and/or receive services under the federal Employee Assistance Program
Purpose: The purpose of these records are to document information necessary for the administration of the Employee Assistance Program. To determine the need for employee assistance counselling, referrals for medical evaluations and participation in rehabilitation programs.
Consistent Uses: To support decisions regarding employee assistance measures.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: PRN 921
Bank Number: PSE 916

Executive Correspondence Management Systems
The records containing the information described in this bank include general correspondence to the Minister or Secretary of State, their Staff and other senior executives within the institution. Records used in preparation of responses to incoming correspondence may also contain personal information about individuals that is sometimes provided by institutional officials to address issues and concerns raised in the incoming correspondence. Personal information may include the name of the correspondent, mailing address, telephone and facsimile numbers, e-mail address and other personal information that may be included by the originator and/or respondent within the content of the correspondence.
Class of Individuals: General public, Members of Parliament, and officials representing other levels of government or international governments and agencies, external organizations and/or businesses.
Purpose: To manage, in a consistent and time- efficient manner, the receipt of, and responses to, correspondence or inquiries received from outside the institution that require replies from senior executives of the institution.
Consistent Uses: Incoming correspondence may be forwarded to other federal or provincial institutions for a full or partial response if it is determined by the receiving institution that the issue(s) contained within the correspondence fall under the jurisdiction of, and should be addressed by, the other institution(s). In some cases, incoming correspondence and the response may be copied to another federal or provincial institution where the correspondence impacts on their roles and responsibilities. The information may be used in an aggregate format to report on system use, growth of the information collection, etc. The Executive Correspondence Management System may be integrated with the institution's Automated Document, Records and Information Management System (see Standard Personal Information Bank Number PSU 929 for more details).
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/001
Related PR#: PRN 903
Bank Number: PSU 902

This information is collected to document hospitality-related activities and the circumstances in which they are incurred. The personal information collected may include the name and job title of government employees as well as the name and title of guests of the government (e.g. individuals from other governments, the private sector, etc). It may also include the names of their spouses or accompanying companions; and the name of the establishment where the hospitality function occurred and/or the name of caterer.
Class of Individuals: Deputy Ministers, Associate Deputy Ministers, Assistant Deputy Ministers, and their equivalents, including those individuals who incur hospitality expenses while acting in these positions, and their spouses or accompanying companions. May also include Ministers, Ministers of State, Parliamentary Secretaries, and their office staff (also known as political or exempt staff because they are outside of the official Public Service) as well as Members of Parliament representing a Minister or Minister of State for official business purposes.
Purpose: Hospitality information is maintained to ensure that the provision of hospitality functions are done appropriately.
Proactive disclosure on government websites of hospitality expense-related information promotes transparency, facilitates public access to government information, and provides relevant and timely information to Canadians. The specific elements that may be made available are: Hospitality activity description and date, attendees, location and total amount.
Consistent Uses: This information may be used to provide reports on hospitality-related expenses to management. The information may also be used for research, planning, budget, audit and evaluation purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Coordinator.
RDA Number: 99/004
Related PR#: PRN 933 and PRN 935
Bank Number: PSU 908

Internal Disclosure of Wrongdoing in the Workplace
The records containing the personal information described by this bank include general inquiries, advice, as well as formal and informal complaints of wrongdoing. Personal information may include the date and nature of the alleged wrongdoing, name of the individual alleged to have committed the wrongdoing and other pertinent information including name of individual(s) reporting or impacted as a result of the alleged wrongdoing, records of interviews, investigations and analyses of events and records of decision taken.
Class of Individuals: Employees reporting to all departments and organizations of the Public Service listed in Part I, Schedule I, of the Public Service Staff Relations Act. Any individual reporting an alleged wrongdoing or about whom the institution may collect information in support of a function, program or activity and who may be impacted upon as a result of the investigation of an alleged wrongdoing.
Purpose: This information is collected to investigate and resolve complaints submitted in accordance with the Policy on the Internal Disclosure of Information Concerning Wrongdoing in the Workplace. In well-founded cases, personal information may be used to determine appropriate remedial action, including administrative, disciplinary or legal action. Information is also used to develop an annual report that provides statistics, issues, challenges and recommendations for the deputy head of the institution.
Consistent Uses: The information may also be used for research, planning, audit and evaluation purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: PRN 921
Bank Number: PSU 906

This information is used to document the processes involved in the relocation of employees and their families. The personal information collected includes the individuals' name and job title, organization name, work telephone, work address, job classification and level, Personal Record Identifier (PRI), name of delegated departmental officer or manager, signatures, name of spouse or common-law partner, names of children and/or extended family members, special medical needs that may need to be accommodated, monthly statement of credit card expenses, personal declarations of expenses when receipts are not obtainable or have been inadvertently destroyed, mortgage or rental cost information, legal fees and real estate fees.
Class of Individuals: Employees who relocate and their spouses or common-law partners, their children and/or extended family members. Also includes individuals representing third party suppliers, such as moving and storage companies.
Purpose: The purpose of this information is to document and administer the relocation of individuals and their family members. This includes information related to relocation planning, the selection of new accommodations, the shipment of personal and household effects, move authorizations and claims.
Consistent Uses: Non-personal information may be used to provide reports on employee relocations to management. The information may also be used for research, planning, audit and evaluation purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Coordinator.
RDA Number: 98/001 and 99/004
Related PR#: PRN 936
Bank Number: PSU 910

Security Video Surveillance and Temporary Visitor Access Control Logs and Building Passes 
This information relates to video surveillance recordings generated by closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras located on the perimeters of, or within institutionally operated buildings and facilities. Additionally, in support of employee and visitor access control, the records related to these subjects contain the actual access logs/registers used to issue temporary employee passes and temporary visitor passes. Personal information collected may include recorded visual images, data logs, signatures, surnames, given names, telephone numbers, temporary pass control numbers and visitor company/organization information related to the issuance of temporary visitor passes.
Class of Individuals: Employees, and those on assignment or contract and visitors who require access to a federal institution or any other person within proximity of video surveillance recording capabilities.
Purpose: This information is used to enhance the security of government facilities and of individuals and assets present in such facilities. Video surveillance is sometimes conducted in real time or recordings can be used to investigate past occurrences, security incidents or emergency situations. Access logs/registers, temporary passes and any other records related to employee and visitor access control may also be used to monitor or investigate current or past security incidents.
Consistent Uses: To assist security officials in the monitoring of activities and/or the issuance of temporary access passes. Additionally, records and recordings may record entry and exit times from facilities and may be used in the event of security-related incidents such as thefts or emergency situations. In such cases, this information may be shared with appropriate law enforcement agencies and emergency workers. Video information that reveals evidence of illegal activity, employee misconduct or accidents may be disclosed to appropriate staff relations, enforcement or investigative bodies for further investigations, charges or disciplinary actions.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/001
Related PR#: PRN 931
Bank Number: PSU 907

This information is used to document travel activities and expenses related to official institutional business. The personal information collected includes the individuals' name and job title, organization name, work telephone, work address, job classification and level, Personal Record Identifier (PRI), name of delegated departmental officer or manager, signatures, name of spouse or common-law partner, name of children, monthly expense statements, personal declarations of expenses when receipts are not obtainable or have been inadvertently destroyed.
Class of Individuals: Employees and travellers (including term or casual employees, temporary agency staff, volunteers, students, consultants and contractors, and witnesses) ,who travel on behalf of an institution and their spouses or common-law partners and/or dependants. This includes Deputy Ministers, Associate Deputy Ministers, Assistant Deputy Ministers, and their equivalents, including those individuals who travel while acting in these positions, and their spouses and/or dependents. May also include Ministers, Ministers of State, Parliamentary Secretaries, and their office staff (also known as political or exempt staff because they are outside of the official Public Service) as well as Members of Parliament representing a Minister or Minister of State or accompanying them as a guest for official business purposes.
Purpose: The purpose of this information is to document and administer the travel of individuals in support of the institution's mandate. This includes information related to employee entitlements and obligations, travel advances and related claims. Proactive disclosure on government websites of travel expense-related information promotes transparency, facilitates public access to government information, and provides relevant and timely information to Canadians. The specific elements that may be made available are: the purpose of travel; date(s) and destination(s); air fare and other transportation costs; accommodation, meals and incidentals; other expenses (all other expenses incurred that are not reflected in the information fields above, such as cost of a special passport, visas, and associated photos, calls to the office or home, dependant care where applicable, etc.); and the total amount.
Consistent Uses: This information may be used to provide reports on travel activities and costs to management. The information may also be used for research, planning, budget, audit and evaluation purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Coordinator.
RDA Number: 98/001 and 99/004
Related PR#: PRN 934
Bank Number: PSU 909

Chapters by
Name of Institution


Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Atlantic Pilotage Authority Canada
Top of Page


Bank of Canada
Belledune Port Authority
Blue Water Bridge Authority
British Columbia Treaty Commission
Business Development Bank of Canada
Top of Page


Canada Border Services Agency
Canada Council for the Arts
Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions
Canada Firearms Centre
Canada Industrial Relations Board
Canada Lands Company Limited
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Canada Post Corporation
Canada Revenue Agency
Canada School of Public Service
Canada Science and Technology Museum Corporation
Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board
Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority
Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Canadian Commercial Corporation
Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board
Canadian Dairy Commission
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Canadian Forces Grievance Board
Canadian Grain Commission
Canadian Heritage
Canadian Human Rights Commission
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Canadian International Development Agency
Canadian International Trade Tribunal
Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
Canadian Museum of Nature
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Canadian Polar Commission
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Canadian Space Agency
Canadian Tourism Commission
Canadian Transportation Agency
Canadian Wheat Board
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP
Copyright Board Canada
Correctional Service of Canada
Top of Page


Defence Construction Canada
Department of Finance Canada
Department of Foreign Affairs
Department of Human Resources and Skills Development
Department of International Trade
Department of Justice Canada
Top of Page


Environment Canada
Export Development Canada
Top of Page


Farm Credit Canada
Federal Bridge Corporation Limited
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Fraser River Port Authority
Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation
Top of Page


Great Lakes Pilotage Authority Canada
Gwich’in Land and Water Board
Gwich’in Land Use Planning Board
Top of Page


Halifax Port Authority
Hamilton Port Authority
Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission
Health Canada
Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada
Top of Page


Immigration and Refugee Board
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada
Industry Canada
Infrastructure Canada
International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development
International Development Research Centre
Top of Page


Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated, The
Top of Page


Laurentian Pilotage Authority Canada
Law Commission of Canada
Library and Archives Canada
Top of Page


Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board
Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board
Military Police Complaints Commission
Montréal Port Authority
Top of Page


Nanaimo Port Authority
National Arts Centre
National Battlefields Commission (The)
National Capital Commission
National Defence
National Energy Board
National Farm Products Council
National Film Board of Canada
National Gallery of Canada
National Parole Board
National Research Council Canada
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
Natural Resources Canada
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
North Fraser Port Authority
Northern Pipeline Agency Canada
Northwest Territories Water Board
Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal
Nunavut Water Board
Top of Page


Office of the Auditor General of Canada
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
Office of the Correctional Investigator
Office of the Inspector General of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Office of the Ombudsman National Defence and Canadian Forces
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada
Top of Page


Pacific Pilotage Authority Canada
Parks Canada Agency
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
Pension Appeals Board
Port Alberni Port Authority
Prince Rupert Port Authority
Privy Council Office
Public Health Agency of Canada
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada
Public Service Commission of Canada
Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada
Public Service Integrity Office
Public Service Labour Relations Board
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Top of Page


Québec Port Authority
Top of Page


Royal Canadian Mint
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee
Top of Page


Saguenay Port Authority
Sahtu Land and Water Board
Sahtu Land Use Planning Board
Saint John Port Authority
Seaway International Bridge Corporation, Ltd
Security Intelligence Review Committee
Sept-Îles Port Authority
Social Development Canada
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
St. John’s Port Authority
Standards Council of Canada
Statistics Canada
Status of Women Canada
Top of Page


Telefilm Canada
Thunder Bay Port Authority
Toronto Port Authority
Transport Canada
Transportation Safety Board of Canada
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Trois-Rivières Port Authority
Top of Page


Vancouver Port Authority
Veterans Affairs Canada
Top of Page


Western Economic Diversification Canada
Windsor Port Authority
Top of Page


Yukon Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment Board
Yukon Surface Rights Board
Government of Canada
Last updated: 2006-06-09
Date reviewed: 2006-06-09