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Sources of Federal Government Information
Table of Contents
Index of Standard Program Records
Standard Program Records
Index of Standard Personal Information Banks
Standard Personal Information Banks
Chapters by Name of Institution
ATIP Coordinators
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Sources of Federal Government Information 2005-2006,

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Main Book Standard Personal Information Bank Descriptions

Standard Personal Information Bank (PIBs) descriptions have been developed to describe personal information that may be found in types of records commonly maintained by federal institutions. These records document internal administrative functions, systems and procedures that are common to or shared by all federal government institutions.

These information banks are identified with the unique identifier "PSU" as part of the bank number contained within the PIB.

Retention and Disposal Standards for Standard PIBs:

The following Retention and Disposal Standards statement applies to all Standard PIBs unless otherwise noted within a specific PIB.

  • The records containing the personal information described in the standard banks may be retained for different periods of time as decided by each government institution, unless otherwise specified.
  • At a minimum, personal information used for an administrative purpose must be retained for at least two years unless the individual consents to its earlier disposal. Any disposal of such records must be in accordance with Records Disposition Authorities issued by the Librarian and Archivist of Canada.
    • The Privacy Act defines administrative purpose to mean the use of that information in a decision making process that directly affects an individual.
  • For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.

Access to Information and Privacy Requests
The records containing the information described in this bank include requests made by individuals to obtain access to information under the control of the institution in accordance with the Access to Information Act and/or the Privacy Act, the replies to such requests, and information related to their processing. These records may include requests for correction of personal information; informal requests; records related to complaints, investigations and requests for judicial review; consultations received from other institutions; and requests for advice received from institutional officials that raise privacy or access to information concerns. Personal information may include the name of the requester, mailing address, telephone and facsimile numbers, e-mail address and other processing information related to the request, as well as personal information contained in institutional records that are relevant to the request.
Note: Personal information contained in institutional records relevant to the request is not used for administrative purposes.
Class of Individuals: Individuals who exercised their rights under the Access to Information Act and/or the Privacy Act, including individuals who made informal requests to obtain information under the control of the institution.
Purpose: The information described by this bank is used to administer the Access to Information Act and/or the Privacy Act as well as processing and responding to informal requests. This information may also be used during consultations with other government institutions, during investigations by the Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners and during court reviews. Aggregate information (does not identify individuals) is used to report to Parliament on the administration of the Acts.
Consistent Uses: Non-personal information may be used to provide reports on ATIP activities to management and to the Treasury Board Secretariat and other institutions, i.e. through CAIRS. The information may also be used for research, planning, audit and evaluation purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Coordinator.
RDA Number: 98/001
Related PR#: PRN 930
Bank Number: PSU 901

Automated Document, Records, Information Management Systems
The automated system described by this bank is used to capture and manage documents, records (including email) and information received and/or created by the institution in support of the institution's functions and activities. Documents and email received by the institution may be entered into the automated system in an electronic format or summarized (profiled) and entered manually into the system.
Class of Individuals: Any individual about whom the institution may collect information in support of a function, program or activity. All employees of an institution, including contractors, agency employees and students, as well as any individual corresponding with the institution.
Purpose: This type of an automated system is used to manage the life cycle of the institution's document, records and information collections, as well as facilitating access thereto. The automated system is used to ensure the information is available to support the operations of the institution, and then disposed of appropriately. The automated system also makes searching and retrieving information from the institution's information collections faster and easier.
Consistent Uses: The information may be used in an aggregate format to report on system use, growth of the information collection, etc. The automated system may also be electronically integrated with the institution's correspondence tracking system that is used to manage the tracking of incoming correspondence to ensure that responses about departmental policies, programs, initiatives and issues are prepared in a consistent and time-efficient manner. The information may also be used for research, planning, audit and evaluation purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/001
Related PR#: PRN 929
Bank Number: PSU 904

Business Continuity Planning (BCP)
The information described by this bank includes personal information that is contained in institutional Business Continuity Plans (BCP). A BCP is established by a federal institution to provide for the continued availability of services and associated assets that are critical to the health, safety, security or economic well-being of Canadians, or the effective functioning of government.
The personal information contained within a BCP may include the names, home addresses, home telephone, pager and cellular phone numbers of employees and officers who are part of the institution's BCP response team, as well as similar emergency contact information for Ministers, exempt staff, senior officials. Also included are the names, emergency contact numbers (including cellular phone and pager numbers) of disaster response and/or recovery vendors and other service providers, in addition to federal, provincial and municipal officials who may have to be contacted to assist the institution as the result of an emergency situation.
Class of Individuals: Employees and officers who are members of the institution's response team, as well as Ministers, exempt staff, senior institutional officials and emergency response officials and recovery vendors/service providers.
Purpose: The purpose of the collection and use of the personal information described in this Bank is to ensure that the institution can contact appropriate and responsible individuals to respond in the event of an interruption in normal business operations.
Consistent Uses: Personal information described in this Bank may be shared with other federal institutions, police, fire and other emergency response agencies on an "as required" basis. Non-personal information may be used to provide reports to senior management about the execution of institutional Business Continuity Plans. This information may also be used for research, planning, audit and evaluation purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Coordinator.
RDA Number: 98/001
Related PR#: PRN 928
Bank Number: PSU 903

Electronic Network Monitoring Logs
The records containing the information described in this bank relate to the use by individuals of federal government electronic networks. Logs containing details of network use by individuals are compiled and are reviewed by appropriate officials of the institution when there is suspected misuse of a federal government electronic network, as defined by institutional policies or the Treasury Board Policy on the Use of Electronic Networks. Examples of information that may be in the records include network logs that may link an employee's workstation to an IP address, listings of sites visited and information on any transactions conducted, including date, time, duration and nature of the visit or transaction. The records may also include information on the use of authorization codes assigned to particular individuals, including successful or unsuccessful use of the codes, date, time and frequency.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution and other individuals using federal government electronic networks, including student employees, contract staff and agency personnel. Members of the public, Ministerial staff, Members of Parliament that send e-mail to the institution or to specific individuals within the institution.
Purpose: The information contained in the records is compiled to support the investigation of suspected or alleged misuse, or deliberate impairment of government electronic networks by persons employed by the institution or by other individuals from outside the institution.
Consistent Uses: The information may be used to substantiate any disciplinary action taken where violation of institutional policies or the Treasury Board Policy on the Use of Electronic Networks is determined. If an internal investigation determines that criminal actions may have taken place, the information may be shared with appropriate police authorities. This information may be used to provide reports to management. The information may also be used for research, planning, audit and evaluation purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/001
Related PR#: PRN 932
Bank Number: PSU 905

Employee Assistance
The records containing the information described in this bank are treated in a confidential fashion that is relative to an employee's involvement in an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). These records may include notice of voluntary or mandatory (supervisory work performance related) referral; records of reference to, or reports and correspondence from a health professional or rehabilitation agency; and only non medical interpretations concerning an employee's work capability or limitations. All personal medical data shall be maintained in a medical protected status under the control of the Workplace Heath and Public Safety Program within Health Canada. Records relating to work performance deficiencies, absenteeism and disciplinary matters are to be held in the appropriate institutional record (with its related personal information bank) and not held with EAP files.
Class of Individuals: Individuals (Employees, contractors, volunteers and family members, etc.) who seek and/or receive services under the federal Employee Assistance Program
Purpose: The purpose of these records are to document information necessary for the administration of the Employee Assistance Program. To determine the need for employee assistance counselling, referrals for medical evaluations and participation in rehabilitation programs.
Consistent Uses: To support decisions regarding employee assistance measures.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: PRN 921
Bank Number: PSE 916

Executive Correspondence Management Systems
The records containing the information described in this bank include general correspondence to the Minister or Secretary of State, their Staff and other senior executives within the institution. Records used in preparation of responses to incoming correspondence may also contain personal information about individuals that is sometimes provided by institutional officials to address issues and concerns raised in the incoming correspondence. Personal information may include the name of the correspondent, mailing address, telephone and facsimile numbers, e-mail address and other personal information that may be included by the originator and/or respondent within the content of the correspondence.
Class of Individuals: General public, Members of Parliament, and officials representing other levels of government or international governments and agencies, external organizations and/or businesses.
Purpose: To manage, in a consistent and time- efficient manner, the receipt of, and responses to, correspondence or inquiries received from outside the institution that require replies from senior executives of the institution.
Consistent Uses: Incoming correspondence may be forwarded to other federal or provincial institutions for a full or partial response if it is determined by the receiving institution that the issue(s) contained within the correspondence fall under the jurisdiction of, and should be addressed by, the other institution(s). In some cases, incoming correspondence and the response may be copied to another federal or provincial institution where the correspondence impacts on their roles and responsibilities. The information may be used in an aggregate format to report on system use, growth of the information collection, etc. The Executive Correspondence Management System may be integrated with the institution's Automated Document, Records and Information Management System (see Standard Personal Information Bank Number PSU 929 for more details).
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/001
Related PR#: PRN 903
Bank Number: PSU 902

This information is collected to document hospitality-related activities and the circumstances in which they are incurred. The personal information collected may include the name and job title of government employees as well as the name and title of guests of the government (e.g. individuals from other governments, the private sector, etc). It may also include the names of their spouses or accompanying companions; and the name of the establishment where the hospitality function occurred and/or the name of caterer.
Class of Individuals: Deputy Ministers, Associate Deputy Ministers, Assistant Deputy Ministers, and their equivalents, including those individuals who incur hospitality expenses while acting in these positions, and their spouses or accompanying companions. May also include Ministers, Ministers of State, Parliamentary Secretaries, and their office staff (also known as political or exempt staff because they are outside of the official Public Service) as well as Members of Parliament representing a Minister or Minister of State for official business purposes.
Purpose: Hospitality information is maintained to ensure that the provision of hospitality functions are done appropriately.
Proactive disclosure on government websites of hospitality expense-related information promotes transparency, facilitates public access to government information, and provides relevant and timely information to Canadians. The specific elements that may be made available are: Hospitality activity description and date, attendees, location and total amount.
Consistent Uses: This information may be used to provide reports on hospitality-related expenses to management. The information may also be used for research, planning, budget, audit and evaluation purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Coordinator.
RDA Number: 99/004
Related PR#: PRN 933 and PRN 935
Bank Number: PSU 908

Internal Disclosure of Wrongdoing in the Workplace
The records containing the personal information described by this bank include general inquiries, advice, as well as formal and informal complaints of wrongdoing. Personal information may include the date and nature of the alleged wrongdoing, name of the individual alleged to have committed the wrongdoing and other pertinent information including name of individual(s) reporting or impacted as a result of the alleged wrongdoing, records of interviews, investigations and analyses of events and records of decision taken.
Class of Individuals: Employees reporting to all departments and organizations of the Public Service listed in Part I, Schedule I, of the Public Service Staff Relations Act. Any individual reporting an alleged wrongdoing or about whom the institution may collect information in support of a function, program or activity and who may be impacted upon as a result of the investigation of an alleged wrongdoing.
Purpose: This information is collected to investigate and resolve complaints submitted in accordance with the Policy on the Internal Disclosure of Information Concerning Wrongdoing in the Workplace. In well-founded cases, personal information may be used to determine appropriate remedial action, including administrative, disciplinary or legal action. Information is also used to develop an annual report that provides statistics, issues, challenges and recommendations for the deputy head of the institution.
Consistent Uses: The information may also be used for research, planning, audit and evaluation purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: PRN 921
Bank Number: PSU 906

This information is used to document the processes involved in the relocation of employees and their families. The personal information collected includes the individuals' name and job title, organization name, work telephone, work address, job classification and level, Personal Record Identifier (PRI), name of delegated departmental officer or manager, signatures, name of spouse or common-law partner, names of children and/or extended family members, special medical needs that may need to be accommodated, monthly statement of credit card expenses, personal declarations of expenses when receipts are not obtainable or have been inadvertently destroyed, mortgage or rental cost information, legal fees and real estate fees.
Class of Individuals: Employees who relocate and their spouses or common-law partners, their children and/or extended family members. Also includes individuals representing third party suppliers, such as moving and storage companies.
Purpose: The purpose of this information is to document and administer the relocation of individuals and their family members. This includes information related to relocation planning, the selection of new accommodations, the shipment of personal and household effects, move authorizations and claims.
Consistent Uses: Non-personal information may be used to provide reports on employee relocations to management. The information may also be used for research, planning, audit and evaluation purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Coordinator.
RDA Number: 98/001 and 99/004
Related PR#: PRN 936
Bank Number: PSU 910

Security Video Surveillance and Temporary Visitor Access Control Logs and Building Passes 
This information relates to video surveillance recordings generated by closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras located on the perimeters of, or within institutionally operated buildings and facilities. Additionally, in support of employee and visitor access control, the records related to these subjects contain the actual access logs/registers used to issue temporary employee passes and temporary visitor passes. Personal information collected may include recorded visual images, data logs, signatures, surnames, given names, telephone numbers, temporary pass control numbers and visitor company/organization information related to the issuance of temporary visitor passes.
Class of Individuals: Employees, and those on assignment or contract and visitors who require access to a federal institution or any other person within proximity of video surveillance recording capabilities.
Purpose: This information is used to enhance the security of government facilities and of individuals and assets present in such facilities. Video surveillance is sometimes conducted in real time or recordings can be used to investigate past occurrences, security incidents or emergency situations. Access logs/registers, temporary passes and any other records related to employee and visitor access control may also be used to monitor or investigate current or past security incidents.
Consistent Uses: To assist security officials in the monitoring of activities and/or the issuance of temporary access passes. Additionally, records and recordings may record entry and exit times from facilities and may be used in the event of security-related incidents such as thefts or emergency situations. In such cases, this information may be shared with appropriate law enforcement agencies and emergency workers. Video information that reveals evidence of illegal activity, employee misconduct or accidents may be disclosed to appropriate staff relations, enforcement or investigative bodies for further investigations, charges or disciplinary actions.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/001
Related PR#: PRN 931
Bank Number: PSU 907

This information is used to document travel activities and expenses related to official institutional business. The personal information collected includes the individuals' name and job title, organization name, work telephone, work address, job classification and level, Personal Record Identifier (PRI), name of delegated departmental officer or manager, signatures, name of spouse or common-law partner, name of children, monthly expense statements, personal declarations of expenses when receipts are not obtainable or have been inadvertently destroyed.
Class of Individuals: Employees and travellers (including term or casual employees, temporary agency staff, volunteers, students, consultants and contractors, and witnesses) ,who travel on behalf of an institution and their spouses or common-law partners and/or dependants. This includes Deputy Ministers, Associate Deputy Ministers, Assistant Deputy Ministers, and their equivalents, including those individuals who travel while acting in these positions, and their spouses and/or dependents. May also include Ministers, Ministers of State, Parliamentary Secretaries, and their office staff (also known as political or exempt staff because they are outside of the official Public Service) as well as Members of Parliament representing a Minister or Minister of State or accompanying them as a guest for official business purposes.
Purpose: The purpose of this information is to document and administer the travel of individuals in support of the institution's mandate. This includes information related to employee entitlements and obligations, travel advances and related claims. Proactive disclosure on government websites of travel expense-related information promotes transparency, facilitates public access to government information, and provides relevant and timely information to Canadians. The specific elements that may be made available are: the purpose of travel; date(s) and destination(s); air fare and other transportation costs; accommodation, meals and incidentals; other expenses (all other expenses incurred that are not reflected in the information fields above, such as cost of a special passport, visas, and associated photos, calls to the office or home, dependant care where applicable, etc.); and the total amount.
Consistent Uses: This information may be used to provide reports on travel activities and costs to management. The information may also be used for research, planning, budget, audit and evaluation purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Coordinator.
RDA Number: 98/001 and 99/004
Related PR#: PRN 934
Bank Number: PSU 909

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