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Catalogue no.TitleOther media
16-001-M Environment Accounts and Statistics Technical Paper Series  
16-201-X Human Activity and the Environment: Annual Statistics Paper
16-251-X Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators  
16-252-X Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: Highlights  
16-253-X Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: Socio-economic Information  
16-254-X Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: Air Quality Indicator: Data Sources and Methods  
16-255-X Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Indicator : Data Sources and Methods  
16-256-X Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: Freshwater Quality Indicator: Data Sources and Methods  
16-505-G Concepts, Sources and Methods of the Canadian System of Environmental and Resource Accounts Paper
16F0002X Waste Management Industry Survey: Government Sector, 1994  
16F0003X Waste Management Industry Survey: Business Sector, 1995  
16F0006P Environmental Protection Expenditures in the Business Sector, Preliminary Data  
16F0006X Environmental Protection Expenditures in the Business Sector  
16F0007X Environment Industry,1995, Preliminary Data  
16F0008X Environment Industry Survey: Business Sector  
16F0009X International Trade in Environmental Goods and Services: A Canada - U.S. Comparison  
16F0021X The St. Lawrence River Valley 1998 Ice Storm: Maps and Facts  
16F0023X Waste Management Industry Survey: Business and Government Sectors  
16F0024X Environmental Management and Technologies in the Business Sector  
16F0025X A Geographic Profile of Manure Production in Canada  
21-006-X Rural and Small Town Canada Analysis Bulletin  
21-021-M Farm Environmental Management in Canada  


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