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Catalogue no.TitleOther media
50-002-X Service Bulletin - Surface and Marine Transport  
50-500-X North American Transportation Highlights  
50-501-X North American Transportation in Figures Paper
50F0001G Guide to Transportation Data  
51-004-X Aviation: Service Bulletin  
51-203-X Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports  
51-204-X Air Passenger Origin and Destination, Domestic Report  
51-205-X Air Passenger Origin and Destination, Canada-United States Report  
51-206-X Canadian Civil Aviation  
51-207-X Air Charter Statistics  
51-502-X The Edmonton and Calgary Aviation Markets - A Tale of Two More Cities  
51F0001P Aircraft Movement Statistics  
51F0009X How Much Did the Airline Industry Recover Since September 11, 2001?  
51F0010P Aircraft Movements Statistics - Annual  
52-001-X Monthly Railway Carloadings  
52-216-X Rail in Canada  
53-215-X Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics  
53-218-X Road Motor Vehicles, Fuel Sales  
53-219-X Road Motor Vehicles, Registrations  
53-222-X Trucking in Canada  
53-223-X Canadian Vehicle Survey: Annual  
53F0003X Factors Affecting Urban Transit Ridership  
53F0004X Canadian Vehicle Survey: Quarterly  
53F0007X Driving Characteristics of the Young and Aging Population  
54-205-X Shipping in Canada  
54F0001X The Future for Canada-U.S. Container Port Rivalries  
55-001-X Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products  
55-201-X Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products  


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