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Catalogue no.TitleOther media
12-590-X Classification of Instructional Programs, Canada Paper
62-560-X The Consumer Price Index and You - Teacher's Kit  
81-003-X Education Quarterly Review  
81-004-X Education Matters: Insights on Education, Learning and Training in Canada  
81-005-X Register of Postsecondary and Adult Education Institutions  
81-229-X Education in Canada  
81-580-X Guide to Statistics Canada Information and Data Sources on Adult Education and Training Paper
81-582-X Education Indicators in Canada: Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program Paper
81-586-X A Report on Adult Education and Training in Canada: Learning a Living Paper
81-587-X South of the Border: Graduates from the Class of '95 Who Moved to the United States Paper
81-588-X Youth in Transition Survey - Project Overview  
81-589-X Pan-Canadian Education Research Agenda Symposium Report: Children and Youth at Risk  
81-590-X Measuring Up: Canadian Results of the OECD PISA Study Paper
81-591-X At a Crossroads: First Results for the 18-20-year-old Cohort of the Youth in Transition Survey  
81-592-X Teacher Education in a Knowledge-based Economy: Centering a Critical Conversation  
81-593-X Teacher Education/Educator Training: Current Trends and Future Directions Paper
81-595-M Culture, Tourism and the Centre for Education Statistics - Research Papers  
81-597-X The Digital Divide in Canadian Schools: Factors Affecting Student Access to and Use of Information Technology  
81F0004G Guide to Data on Elementary and Secondary Education in Canada Paper
89-552-M International Adult Literacy Survey [Series] Paper
89-572-X Benchmarking Adult Literacy in North America: An International Comparative Study Paper
89-573-X Literacy in Canada: Disparity Between Francophones and Anglophones  
89-574-X Adult Education Participation in North America: International Perspectives Paper
89-587-X Education, Employment and Income of Adults with and Without Disabilities - Tables  
89-588-X International Adult Literacy Survey Database  
89-603-X Learning a Living: First Results of the Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey  
89-617-X Building on Our Competencies: Canadian Results of the International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey  
89F0093X Reading the Future: A Portrait of Literacy in Canada (Highlights)  
89F0094X Backgrounder on the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS)  
89F0096X Employee Training: An International Perspective (Highlights)  
89F0100X The Value of Words: Literacy and Economic Security in Canada (Highlights)  
89F0103X Literacy Utilization in Canadian Workplaces (Highlights)  
89F0104X At Risk: A Socio-economic Analysis of Health and Literacy Among Seniors (Highlights) Paper
89F0116X Inequalities in Literacy Skills Among Youth in Canada and the United States (Highlights) Paper
89F0117X From Home to School - How Canadian Children Cope Paper
89F0120X Schooling, Literacy and Individual Earnings (Highlights) Paper
89F0125X Literacy, Numeracy and Labour Market Outcomes in Canada (Highlights) Paper
92-133-X 2006 Census New Education Module: Follow-up Report  
92-392-G 2001 Census User Guide: Schooling and Major Field of Study  
95F0418X Education in Canada: School Attendance and Levels of Schooling, 2001 Census (School Attendance, Highest Level of Schooling, Age Groups and Sex for Population 15 Years and over) CD-ROM
95F0419X Education in Canada: School Attendance and Levels of Schooling, 2001 Census (Highest Degree, Certificate or Diploma, Age Groups and Sex for Population 15 Years and over) CD-ROM
95F0424X Education in Canada: Major Field of Study, 2001 Census (Major Field of Study, Age Groups and Sex for Population 15 Years over with College or Trades Certificates or Diplomas) CD-ROM
95F0425X Education in Canada: Major Field of Study, 2001 Census (Major Field of Study, Age Groups and Sex for Population 15 Years and over with University Certificates or Degrees) CD-ROM
97F0017X Education in Canada: School Attendance and Levels of Schooling, 2001 Census CD-ROM
97F0018X Education in Canada: Major Field of Study, 2001 Census CD-ROM


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