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Environmental Assessment
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Environmental Assessment

In accordance with AECL’s Environmental Policy and the AECL Management Manual, as a Crown Corporation AECL is required to comply with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA). This requirement becomes effective 2006 June 12.

Environmental Assessment (EA) is a process by which the environmental effects of a project are predicted and evaluated before any irrevocable decisions are made about the project. This term is synonymous with the term “environmental impact assessment”. EA is often regarded as “a planning tool and as an integral component of sound decision-making”. EA is considered to be the primary tool for achieving sustainable development. It is a systematic approach for identifying the environmental effects of project proposals before they occur, allowing decision-makers to modify these projects in order to prevent, minimize or otherwise mitigate adverse environmental effects.

AECL is committed to the concept of sustainable development. AECL has established an Environmental Policy that contributes to AECL’s commitment to corporate social responsibility. AECL has established an environmental protection program and management system.  AECL’s Environmental Management System (EMS) serves to implement AECL’s environmental policy within AECL owned or operated sites in Canada and to ensure compliance with legal and other environmental requirements.

AECL includes protection of the environment as an integral component of its decision-making in all phases of its business activities, including product development, project planning, project implementation, operations and decommissioning. AECL also focuses its environmental efforts on minimizing nuclear legacy obligations for future generations. AECL’s Environment Policy applies to all aspects of AECL’s activities. The evaluation of environmental aspects and impacts of proposals at AECL sites is factored into the decision process before any irreversible commitments are made.

As a Federal Authority, AECL becomes a Responsible Authority (RA) when it is required to exercise a decision that is subject to the requirements of an EA under the Act. In these cases, AECL is responsible for ensuring an EA is conducted for the project. As such, if AECL is the proponent of a project and/or proposes to do any act or thing that commits it to carrying out the project in whole then it is an RA and is required to ensure the conduct of an EA.
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The Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry contains information about projects undergoing environmental assessment under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.  Find out more