AECL R&D and its Programs
Chalk River Laboratories
Whiteshell Laboratories
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Control and Information

AECL was the first major vendor to implement digital control systems for nuclear power reactors, and we continue to maintain that leading edge in today's industry. Real-time control, display and protection systems are an integral part of a CANDU control centre, and AECL's integrated software programs are designed to facilitate station operation and enhance performance. Upgrading and extending this technology for operating CANDU utilities is an important area of activity for AECL because it helps our utility customers improve operating costs and capacity factors.

In the past five years, AECL has concentrated information technology resources to automate and integrate labour-intensive design and construction work processes by developing and applying electronic engineering tools. Consequently, major improvements in cost and delivery were achieved in the design and construction of the two CANDU units in China. These tools are now being modified to suit the engineering and equipment work processes in operating CANDU stations and are expected to allow our customers to reduce costs and improve their configuration management capabilities.

As well, AECL scientists and engineers have recently developed a new system health monitor, ChemAND™ (Chemistry Analysis and Diagnostic), to monitor and manage CANDU plant chemistry. This is the first of a series of CANDU system health monitors currently under development. The present development focus is for a system health monitor for the reactor core components. These advances will greatly improve the ability of AECL and operating CANDU utilities to monitor and improve performance, reduce operating costs and enhance safety in future CANDU plants.
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