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Cadet Instructors

Photo of a Cadet Instructors Cadre officerCadet instructors teach cadets a variety of skills and lessons and assist with their training, supervision and administration.

Most cadet instructors are members of the Cadet Instructors Cadre. Its members are specially-trained part-time members of the Canadian Forces who dedicate their spare time to helping develop the leadership, citizenship and physical fitness skills of young Canadians. There are approximately 6000 across Canada, many of whom were once cadets and are giving back to their country and community through the Cadet Program.

Having been a cadet is not a prerequisite! To become an officer of the Cadet Instructors Cadre, a candidate must participate in a series of personal interviews and meet the following criteria:

  • have a highschool diploma
  • be a Canadian citizen between the ages of 18 and 64
  • produce letters of recommendation
  • undergo a thorough medical examination
  • pass a security screening, including an enhanced reliability check and a criminal background investigation
  • screening for suitability for working with youth

The Cadet Instructors Cadre is one of the most diversified and active components of the Canadian Forces.  Our officers are highly committed and experienced individuals who use their backgrounds in support of cadet training objectives. Teachers, doctors, police officers, students, lawyers, bankers and city workers are only a few of the backrounds of our members. Their goal is to ensure that cadets benefit from the best training possible and that they develop their skills to the fullest.

Cadet Instructors Cadre officers become important figures in the life the cadets under their charge. They are driven by a strong desire to see cadets grow into responsible adults and they provide credible role models for teenagers looking for a sense of direction and belonging.

Training Canada's Leaders of Tomorrow!