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Army Cadet Emblem

Header: Army Cadets
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Adventure training, orienteering, leadership skills, first aid, radio communications, biathlon, and search and rescue training are only some of the skills you will learn as a member of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets!

Picture: Moutains
There are over 2500 young Canadians between the ages of 12 to 18 years who are actively involved in this awesome program.

Activities are offered year round for Army Cadets. Cadets participate in weekly activities from September through June each year. Summer Training Centres run June through August and all cadets have the opportunity to attend.

See more pictures from adventure training.

Picture: Rock Climbing - Australia 2002

To find out more about Army Cadets in your area call:

  • In Alberta: 1 800 982 2338 extension 5622
  • In Saskatchewan: 1 800 341 7152 extension 6412
  • In Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario: 1 800 862 0032 extension 6796