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Business solutions: business leads

Joint sales presentation

If you’re looking for a Canadian government champion to support your approach to a prospective buyer, get us involved. Our participation sends the signal that the Government of Canada stands behind your project.

Arm your business development team with the expertise of CCC’s international export contracting professionals when you explore potential projects with international customers. Our expert consultants will sit on your business-development team and help you pursue your goal to close the sale.

  • Enjoy the explicit support of the Government of Canada’s export contracting agency— CCC—for your company’s efforts in developing this international project or sales opportunity;
  • Gain the competitive advantage having a CCC contracting consultant on site with you and your prospective buyer to highlight the benefits CCC delivers as prime contractor—especially through its Government guarantee of contract performance;
  • Take advantage of CCC’s flexibility: neither you nor your buyer is committed to bringing us in as prime contractor if you are able to close the sale directly.

What to expect

Your CCC project manager will ask you to clarify the objective of your meeting with the customer to determine how far CCC needs to take its due diligence on your company before the meeting takes place. This will also affect the costs involved in CCC participating in the Joint sales presentation.

What we need from you

You will need to provide the solicitation, tender or Request for Proposal you are responding to or in the case of an unsolicited proposal, your project officer will require a briefing on the project from you.

You will also need to submit an application form with an administrative fee of $500 plus GST to open your file.

This service is offered for a variable fee based on the hour required to complete the travel and presentation. A service agreement will be put in place defining the scope of work and the estimated cost for delivery.

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