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Letter of support

Offer your prospective buyer a Government guarantee of contract performance to close the sale.

If you could benefit from having the Government of Canada behind your sale—through CCC’s unique guarantee of contract performance—talk to us.

A project-specific letter of support from CCC can be a valuable addition to your sales toolkit, providing your prospective customer with the Government of Canada’s endorsement of your ability to successfully complete the contract. The letter informs your buyer that the Government of Canada has thoroughly reviewed your company and project, and has the confidence to offer a guarantee of contract performance with should CCC act ing as prime contractor.

  • You get an endorsement from the Government of Canada on your company’s ability to successfully deliver the export project;
  • You have the option to propose CCC—with its guarantee of contract performance—as prime contractor if you are unsuccessful in closing the sale directly;
  • You are not committed to bringing CCC in as prime contractor if you are able to close the export sale directly.

What to expect

Your CCC project manager will undertake to certify your ability to successfully complete the specified export project. He or she will identify the terms and conditions for CCC to act as the prime contractor on project (and thereby offer the Government guarantee of contract performance) if you and your prospective customer feel there is a benefit.

CCC will issue a customized, official letter of support with a CCC seal that communicates the Corporation’s experience in international contracting—specifically in mitigating buyer risk by guaranteeing contract performance. CCC also confirms its evaluation of your ability to successfully complete the export project, and outlines the terms and conditions for its participation.

What we need from you

We’ll need the name and address of your customer as well as information on your customer’s requirement and the product or service you are selling, as well as documents that will allow CCC to perform the managerial, technical and financial review of your company—everything from bios of your management team to audited financial statements.

You’ll need to submit an application form with an administrative fee of $500 plus GST to open your file.

This service is offered for a variable fee based on the hours required to complete the CCC due diligence on your company. A service agreement will be put in place defining the scope of work and estimated cost for delivery.

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