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The GLWQA review
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Synthesis of Public Comment

on the Forthcoming Review by the Federal Governments of Canada and the United States of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: A Report to the Governments of the United States and Canada

January 2006

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The views expressed in this synthesis are those of the individuals and organizations who participated in the public comment process. They are not the views of the International Joint Commission.

Executive summary

  • Request from governments
  • Outreach efforts
  • About the participants
  • Main themes that emerged during the consultations


  • Water quality
  • Sewage and land use
  • Aquatic invasive species
  • Aquaculture
  • Protection of wetlands
  • Contaminated sediments
  • Economic issues
  • Monitoring
  • Water quantity
  • Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway
  • Accountability


  • Perceived successes and failures
  • Lack of progress in restoring Areas of Concern
  • Effectiveness of the International Joint Commission
  • Failure to act and anticipate
  • Other suggestions


  • Framing the issue
  • Dealing with aquatic invasive species
  • Including the St. Lawrence River
  • Other issues proposed for inclusion

Public Engagement

  • Engagement during the review of the Agreement
  • Barriers to public engagement
  • Education, accountability and funding
  • Using the review process



A. Letters of reference

B. Tables
C. List of participants


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