International Joint Commission
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The GLWQA review
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IJC publications

Biennial reports

12th Biennial Report on Great Lakes Water Quality

11th Biennial Report on Great Lakes Water Quality 10th Biennial Report on Great Lakes Water Quality

Priorities and progress reports

Priorities and Progress under the Agreement, 2003-2005: Executive Summary (PDF)

2001-2003 Priorities and Progress Under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (PDF)

2001-2003 Priorities - Chapter 5: Emerging Great Lakes Issues in the 21st Century (PDF)

The review

Health and the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (PDF)

Principles for the Review of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (PDF)

Science and the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: SAB Recommendations to the IJC (PDF)


The IJC and the 21st Century (PDF)

Also visit the IJC's virtual library; try using the key words "great lakes" or "areas of concern".



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