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© 2006

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Reducing Sulphur Emissions from Heavy Fuel Oil Use —
A Quantitative Assessment of Economic Instruments:
Executive Summary

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Prepared by The Delphi Group & Gardner Pinfold & Associates

Prepared for The National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy

March 2003

1.0 Introduction

The National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE) has initiated a program on Ecological Fiscal Reform (EFR) to investigate the use of various economic instruments to address environmental concerns. The case study on reducing sulphur emissions from use of heavy fuel oil (HFO) focused on the relative merits of using economic instruments – for example, increased product tax or capital cost allowance incentives – compared with more common approaches, such as regulation, in meeting environmental policy objectives.
Previous experience from EFR case studies indicates the right conditions must be present to investigate the practical application of economic instruments, since environmental concerns that are already being addressed farther along in the policy development process present limited opportunities for a new approach. A preliminary review revealed favourable conditions to study the use of economic instruments to reduce sulphur emissions from HFO use, as follows:

  • while Environment Canada had discussed action to address sulphur levels in HFO, the issue was still at the “problem definition” stage;
  • the application of economic instruments had been considered in the department’s Notice of Intent (NOI); and
  • experience in the European Union (EU) suggests economic instruments can be successfully employed to reduce sulphur pollution from HFO use.

This Executive Summary presents background information on HFO and its use, as well as the key findings and conclusions of the cost-effectiveness analysis comparing economic instruments to regulation.

Next: 2.0 What is heavy fuel oil?

Table of Contents

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1.0 Introduction

2.0 What is heavy fuel oil?

3.0 Who uses heavy fuel oil?

4.0 Why is it important to address sulphur levels in heavy fuel oil?

5.0 What did the analysis consider?

6.0 What factors were most important to the outcome?

7.0 What were the findings of the analysis?

8.0 What can be concluded from these findings?