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© 2006

" "
Reducing Sulphur Emissions from Heavy Fuel Oil Use
— A Quantitative Assessment of Economic Instruments: Executive Summary

2.0 What is heavy fuel oil?

HFO is a low-grade fuel primarily used in industrial boilers and other direct source heating applications (i.e., blast furnaces). It is also used as a principal fuel in marine applications in large diesel engines. Given its high boiling point and tar-like consistency, HFO typically requires heating before it can be moved through pipes or dispensed into a boiler or other heating vessel to be burned.

HFO is the least expensive of the refined oil fuels and can only be used by facilities that have preheating capabilities. HFO is typically high in sulphur and other impurities that are released into the air when the fuel is burned.

Next: 3.0 Who uses heavy fuel oil?

Table of Contents

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2.0 What is heavy fuel oil?

3.0 Who uses heavy fuel oil?

4.0 Why is it important to address sulphur levels in heavy fuel oil?

5.0 What did the analysis consider?

6.0 What factors were most important to the outcome?

7.0 What were the findings of the analysis?

8.0 What can be concluded from these findings?