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© 2006

" "
Reducing Sulphur Emissions from Heavy Fuel Oil Use
— A Quantitative Assessment of Economic Instruments: Executive Summary

4.0 Why is it important to address sulphur levels in heavy
fuel oil?

HFO use releases sulphur dioxide (SO2), a key component of acid rain, into the atmosphere. The sulphur contained in HFO also forms sulphate particles (SO4) that contribute to the formation of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), a pollutant with substantial implications for public health.2 Therefore, reducing sulphur emissions from HFO use reduces the release of pollutants into the air and benefits the environment and public health.

Currently, there is no regulated national standard for sulphur levels in HFO. On the contrary, trends suggest that the sulphur content of HFO produced in and imported into Canada is increasing. The trend toward higher-sulphur HFO could increase over time as other jurisdictions (e.g., the EU) move to lower the sulphur content of the fuels they use, resulting in increased export of their higher-sulphur HFO. At the same time, the availability of sweet crude (crude that is low in sulphur content) is diminishing globally, which may contribute further to increasing use of higher-sulphur HFO in Canada.


2 The combustion of fossil fuels also results in emissions such as oxides of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, other fine particulates and volatile organic compounds. Actions to reduce sulphur emissions must ensure that other pollutants do not increase as a result of these actions.

Next: 5.0 What did the analysis consider?

Table of Contents

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1.0 Introduction

2.0 What is heavy fuel oil?

3.0 Who uses heavy fuel oil?

4.0 Why is it important to address sulphur levels in heavy fuel oil?

5.0 What did the analysis consider?

6.0 What factors were most important to the outcome?

7.0 What were the findings of the analysis?

8.0 What can be concluded from these findings?